Chapter Thirty Four

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Dedication: Itachi54


The guy got to his feet, his gloved hands clenched. Josh shot up, moving quicker than my mind could keep up with. Josh projected his fist, right into the guy's face, his balaclava slipping just a fraction. The guy suddenly shoved Josh back.

I was frozen in shock, unable to move when he darted around me, running down the hall. I vaguely heard my parent's footsteps running towards us as I dropped to my knees, feeling breathless.

Well, now I know it isn't Josh.


He got away. Again.

I was so furious with myself for standing there, frozen to the core, while he fled my house. Thank God Josh was there to at least get one punch in because now, anyone with a new face injury will tell me who has been tormenting me.

"What have I gotten myself into?" Josh joked as he drove me to school the following morning.

"I should have warned you," I sighed.

"I'm only kidding. I'm glad I was there, who knows what could have happened." he replied, leaning over and taking my hand in the one he wasn't using to drive. "I'm just wondering how the hell he keeps breaking in."

"It's a mystery. No windows appear to be broken, no locks busted." I shrugged, just as clueless as he was.

"There's gotta' be something we're missing," he muttered thoughtfully.

I mulled over that as we pulled into the school car park.

"Well, I have suspected Owen, so if he shows up with a black eye, or isn't here, there's our answer."

"And if it is him, he'll be getting more than a black eye." he told me as we exited the car.

Josh slung his arm lazily over my shoulders and it made me think how fast Josh and I happened. I don't know how we went from not speaking, to this, so quickly, but everything felt so easy. I enjoyed spending time with him, much more than I thought I would.

People's eyes wandered to us as we walked through school. I guess they were confused, considering we weren't really on speaking terms, up until recently.

"Do you want me to stay with you?" he asked me as we approached Marissa.

"It's okay, I'll come find you if I think it's Owen," I replied.

He gave my hand a brief squeeze, before striding over to his group.

"Hey you," Marissa greeted me, her warm, friendly voice putting my nerves at ease. "Why do you look so tense?"

I quickly filled her in about last night. She gasped, her hand hovering over her mouth.

"Oh my God! That is so scary. You're lucky Josh was there, otherwise that person could have killed you!"

"He could have only been there, because of Josh," I pointed out. "I just don't know. Is Owen here?"

"Not yet, should be here any minute though."

"If he has no face injuries, he's cleared."

"Fingers crossed," she smiled, holding her index and middle finger interlocked.

I smiled back, even though I'm hoping it is him. I would be able to press charges, he would get locked up and this nightmare would be over. However, there's also a part of me hoping that it really is Casey and that he's alive, after everything. Even after he tried to hurt me.

Marissa sat down onto the table, pulling out her phone. "Do you want me to text him?"

"If you want." I sit down beside her, nervously drumming my fingers on my leg.

If it had been Owen, he wouldn't be stupid enough to come to school, would he?

Suddenly, heavy footsteps ascended towards us. I whipped my head up, to see Owen. The sun blinded me momentarily and when I blinked, I focused on his face.

It was clear and completely unblemished.

"Hey guys," he greeted, slinging his bag onto the table. "What's up?"

Marissa and I exchange a look and I feel a mixture of disappointment and relief.

If it's not Owen, I'm starting to think that is must be Casey.


I'm posting this chapter as a double update, due to it being so short.

So, Josh and Owen are cleared. Who's the next suspect to be cleared? ;)

 Who's the next suspect to be cleared? ;)

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