Chapter 11 - The fight

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I watched as Jordan and the other team mates practiced new combinations on the football field. Lately I came here often, just to sit down and think. Few rows down, Tiffany was sitting on a bench, her follow-ups next to her. A girl with flaming red hair looked back and then tapped Tiffany on her shoulder. She turned, her eyes widened and as on an instinct I stood up, shoved my belongings back into my bag and sprint up the bleachers. I heard her yell 'dumb bitch' behind me before I run up the stairs and toward the exit.
It was kind of surprising that she hadn't scraped my eyes out yet, since the had gotten the expression that I was supposedly the reason, Decker broke up with her.
I wondered if Decker had explained to her how me bumping into him in Matt's house was just a coincidence? Or was she waiting for the right moment to find a quiet little place to kill and bury me? Either way, I decided to keep a long distance from her. Just in case.
It was little after seven when I unlocked the door to the restaurant. I took a day of work to set up the kitchen. I unboxed all the shiny new pots and pans, bowls and knives. The opening night was just a week away and I had to make sure everything was done properly. Still, the idea of me being a restaurant manager at the age of 18 was stupid. But I loved Lory and Calvin for giving me this chance to put myself to the test.

The rest of the week past like blur. Home, work, restaurant- I was busy all the time. It was now Friday, Jason will be home from Boston for the weekend and they had plans to crash Decker's party tonight.
I didn't go to the restaurant today. Since I had spent every free waking minute in there these past days, I came straight home from Fortline.
Mom wasn't home until Sunday, since she had been out to attend a conference in Florida because of work. And knowing Matt and Jason would go in Decker's place tonight, I had the whole house to myself.
As I was straining noodles, the front door burst open and Jason threw in his large suitcase, and then another one and then another one.
"You moving back in?" I asked him, turning to see him all sweaty and gross.
"Very funny, ha ha ha..." He replied, annoyed.
"What is all that? Bricks and stones?" I picked up one of the cases and helped him take it next to the stairs.
"No. Just some stuff I had in my dorm room. Books, lifting weight..." He closed the door behind him when he had taken in the last bag. He settled his hand on his knees, bending down to catch his breath.
"Why are you bringing them back here? Get a storage or something. They do have storage rental places in Boston. Don't they?" I asked him, walking back to the kitchen and mixing my pasta sauce together with my noodles.
"You are like Matt, so I explain it to you also. Why rent a storage when you have a home?" He flashed a smile, stacking the suitcases on top of each other.
"True! Food?" I lifted up the pot.
"No, I ate in the airport... and I need to leave some room for beer." He patted his stomach.
"Its your loss." I scoop up some pasta and set it on my place. Jason opens one of the suitcases and takes out a football jersey. He walks up to the kitchen door and leaned against the doorframe.
"Are you going to stay home tonight?" He asks, crossing his arms over his chest, still holding the jersey.
"Counting on it. I need some time-off. It has been a busy week." I start eating.
"I was wondering if you could pick us up from Jordan's party tonight." He uncrosses his arms and pulls the jersey over his head, then walks up to the coffee machine and turns it on.
"Why are you going? You don't even like Decker." I take a piece of bread and continue eating.
"Well, after he gave me the honor of giving the speech, I talked to him. He explained how he wanted me to be benched, but coach decided to kick me off the team. I am still furious, but I don't want to get into fights with Decker. He is doing a great job, helping boys get into shape." Jason says as he fills his cup with coffee.
"Ok," I reply after taking a sip of my water to wash down my food.
"You want one?" Jason holds up another cup but I shake my head no.
"What? No coffee?" His eyes widen from surprise.
"No. I don't want to get pumped up in caffeine. I haven't slept good in days. I need some goodnight sleep and coffee will destroy this dream." I take my last bite and put my dishes into the washing machine.
"Are you then?" He asks.
"Are I what?"
"Pick me up from Decker's?"
"Sure. But don't drink too much. Its so hard to get you out from the car when you turn into a noodle?" I laugh.
It was always easy to get him into the car when there was people to help me. But taking him out of it... boy was I angry when he couldn't keep his legs to move. He is tall and heavy, ruffly 195 pounds and when you saw me trying to carry him to the house, it seemed like a tick was carrying a drunk elephant.
"I promise!" Jason put his hand on his chest, right there were his heart was.
He finishes his coffee and sets the cup into the sink.
"Matt is picking me up soon. Do you want me to help you with something?" He leans against the counter, as I clean the dinner table and pop a candy into my mouth.
"Take your stuff upstairs, You are blocking the corridor." I reply, sounding like our mom.
"Are you going to help me?" He asks me with puppy eyes and I give him the look, putting my hand on my hip, shaking my head.
"I thought so." He trails out from the kitchen, laughing.

For the rest of the night, I watch a movie after another one. Despite skipping coffee, I couldn't fall asleep. I think everyone know the feeling when you want to fall asleep but you are afraid that when you shut your eyes and embrace the bliss of peaceful dream, right then the call comes and you have to go or do something. I knew that would happen, so I tried to stay awake as long as possible. When clock strikes two o'clock in night, I see the screen on my phone light up and there is a text message from Matt. I open it and read in horror.

Jason got into a fight with Decker. Come here. Now.

I push myself off the bed and close the lid on my laptop. When I pull on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. My phone starts buzzing. It's Matt and I pick up immediately.
"I'm on my way." I say while I put my phone between my ear and shoulder, putting on my shoes at the same time.
"Hurry up." He says and then hangs up.
What the hell happened? Jason said they were ok but now they were fighting.
I drive over to Decker's house and park my car. Loud music wakes me immediately from my sleepy state and I hurry inside, looking around for my brother. I see Matt, Parker and Kyle sitting on the sofa, other football team players in the kitchen.
When Matt notices me, he quickly walks up to me.
"Where is he?" I ask, looking around.
"He is upstairs, sleeping in one of the bedrooms." Matt replies as he takes my hand and walks me outside. He closes the door behind him and finally I can breath. The house smelled like alcohol, sweat and fried food. Disgusting.
"If he is sleeping, then why did you ask me to hurry up?"
"He just passed out. Like five minutes ago."
He says and I sit down on the stairs, yawning. I clear my trout.
"What the hell happened? I thought they were back to being friend or at least he said they made peace."
"The thing you were afraid of, happened." He says and I turn my head.
"Oh, no." My eyes widen, my jaw drops.
"Oh, yes."
"Why? Why would he tell him?" I ask Matt and he shrugs his shoulders.
" I am going to kill him." I push myself up but Matt grabs me by my wrist, pulling me back down.
"Remember, you kissed Decker. Not the other way around."
"It doesn't matter."
"It does."
I nod my head. "Yeah, you are right."
We sit in silence for a moment, listen to the crickets singing.
"I need to take him home. I don't want him to wake up in here." I say and Matt agrees. When Matt goes to talk to the guys to ask them for help carrying Jason to the car, I head to the kitchen. I want water. I open the kitchen cabinet and take out a coffee cup. When I fill it with water and drink it, I feel somebody come up to me and put his arms around my waist. Instantly, I let the cup fall into the sink and turn. Parker, one of the King Valley football players stands behind me, eyes all bloodshot.
"What are you doing? Get off me." I bark at him when he pins me to the kitchen counter.
"Can't I get any action?" Words come out as a slur and I know that he is really drunk. When he reaches behind me and his knuckles brush against my back, shivers run down my skin. But not the good kind.
"Don't touch me, I cry." Tears for my in my eyes and Parker laughs. He then takes my hands and pulls me forward, turns me around and pins me against the counter again. I try to hit him, squirm and kick him with my feet but all he does is laughs louder and leans in so his breath hits the spot behind my ear.
"If you hit me one more time, I will brake your legs."
He can't continue what he is doing because a fist comes flying into his jaw and he is pulled back away from me. I stumble and crumble to the floor, hitting my hand against the countertop in the process.
"Touch her again and I will broke both your hands." Jordan has a grip around Parker's neck and I push myself backwards, away from both boys.
"Don't be so protective over a small stupid girl, Decker. She's nobody. Perfect for these kind of things." Parker manages to say while Decker squeezes his neck a little harder. He is making him choke, hardly any air for breathing. For moment it seems like he is going to kill him. I want to stand up, grab Decker by his collar and pull him away from Parker but when I try to support my weight on my hand, I gasp at the pain.
"Say something else about her and you will never breath again." Decker says furiously, his attention all on Parker.
I rub my arm. It hurts.
When Parker doesn't say anything, Decker takes his hand away from his neck and punches him so hard that he loses conciseness.
He stands up and walks up to me where I was still sitting on the kitchen floor.
"You ok?" He asks me and I blink my eyes rapidly. My vision is blurred from tears.
"No," I look down at my hand and like magic, bruises starts to form.

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