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As the bell rings to go to 5th period, marking the end of lunch, I stand up and wave goodbye to Andy, "I'll see you at practice!"

I start to head towards my upcoming hour-and-a-half class, feeling my stomach churn just at the thought of it.

It's because Jullian is in it you idiot.

As I begin attempting to block out the flooding thoughts in my mind I walk in and look around to see a few empty seats in the front, thankfully. I take the one closest to the door, farthest away from the one in the back corner. I begin working on the task given on the board, taking out my laptop to get the notes.

"Yeah whatever, I'll see you at practice," someone says, almost yelling as they walk in the door. I don't even need to look up to tell who the voice belongs to.

And it always seems to send chills down my spine.

"Jullian please lower your voice when entering the classroom, it'd be greatly appreciated," Mrs.Dandre, the English IV teacher mumbles from her computer as Jullisn makes his way to his desk, scoffing.

"Yeah yeah, got it."

I see out of the corner of my eye him taking the seat in the back as I had assumed, being that he's been sitting in the same place all year, along with all of his rotted friends.


After over an hour of working the teacher stands from her desk, getting everyone's attention, "Okay, you're going to check your assignment now on your own," Mrs.Dandre speaks up, turning on the projector and lighting up her screen as everyone turns their pages to begin checking.

"I can't see the board," Jullian says, getting everyone's attention, including my own. I turn towards him to see his eyes beginning to burn holes into my own, making me turn away.

"Then move to the front," she says, observing the open desks. As she does so I look to the one next to me and scowl, knowing what's about to hap- "look there's an open seat next to Eleanor," she points and I internally groan, wanting out of this hell hole.

Suck a toe Mrs.Dandre.

"Can I go to the restroom?" I ask, giving a glance to Jullian as he begins to get his things from the back.

"There's only 15 minutes left, can you wait?" She asks and I go quiet before sighing.

"I suppose." I mutter as Jullian sits beside me, making me turn the other way, ignoring his eyes burning holes into the side of my head.

A few minutes of peaceful silence go by before I hear the asshole begins to speak, "Hey," he whispers and I begin to ignore him until he continues to pester me, like a fuçking bug buzzing in your ear at night. "psst." "Hey." "Hello." "Can you hear me?"

"Yes I can hear you what the hell do you want?" I snap, making sure nobody could hear me through their own conversations.

"Can I talk to you?" He asks, making me almost begin to laugh at his pleading eyes. I stay quiet before looking at the time, seeing the bell isn't going to ring in another 8 minutes.

"What's there to talk about? As I recall we were done talking 3 years ago, correct?" I scowl and see his eyes flash a tinge of hurt, making my stance almost falter before I turn away, ignoring the feeling.

He's the one that hurt you, remember?

I begin to quickly grab my things, ignoring the time left in class. I force myself not to turn around, taking a deep breath as I stand up, walking toward the door.

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