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It is raining outside. It hasn't rained for a long time, but it fits my mood perfectly. I have never been so down in my life.

The truth is out.

Everyone thinking I was Moon Touched was the greatest feeling in the world. For a moment I thought it was true. I really thought I was Moon Touched, but there are so many reason why I started doubting.

For starters... My wolf has been gone for way too long now and I haven't even felt her once.

Then there is the fact that nothing good ever happens to me.

But the thing that made me know for sure was when something inside of me made me threaten an Alpha, one of the strongest alive, and that I just practically​ gave him a seizure by just looking at him. If I was Moon Touched that would have been impossible.

But that doesn't change the fact that the Moon choose me. Only my ending will be different.  The moment I kill great evil, my father, the Moon will let me die. She will kill me herself the way she wants and no one will be able to stop it. A curse stays a curse. Unless she changes her mind, but that never happens. The Moon stays the Moon, the one in control.

My fate has been decided.

I will die once I have killed my father.

I pull my legs up to my chest and just stare in front of me. Desperation sets in and there is only one thing on my mind... Luke.

I don't make mistakes.

Luke was trying to tell me something. I reach for my phone and turn it on. I had turned it off ever since we started climbing the mountain.

I am in shock. Twenty-seven voicemails and thirty-nine messages. The phone rings in my hand and I almost let it fall on the hard floor, but I catch it right on time.

'L-Luke?,' I stutter.

'Oh thank the goddess you are save. What happened? Why did you go to Jim?'

'A lot has happened, but none of it will I tell you over the phone. I am coming home tomorrow... Also... Alpha Jim will be by my side until I kill my father,' I tell him and there is a silence on the other end of the line.

'Why?,' he asks calm, something I did not expect.

'Because my mother wants it that way and he and I both want to honor her wishes.'

'Okay, did you get any intell on us?,' he asks now a bit amused.

'No, she only said I don't make mistakes,' I say sadly.

'That's because she didn't. Joana, your mother, she was adopted when she was just born. Nursed and feet by different pregnant females from the pack. That's why everyone loved her so much. So I am in no way your uncle, just by mind and heart I guess.. She was brought up as my older sister, as a daughter of my parents, but she isn't my real sister. I will explain when you get back.'

'That doesn't make it less real,' I say and he is silent again. Why do I do this? Why am I pushing him away? Because in the end he will still loose me.

'Angel, my Luna, what are you saying?'

'I am going to Marcus with Jim. Tell him. I would like to end my father where it all started.'

'I will be there waiting for you. There is no way I am letting my little brother near you.'

I hang up the phone and put in on silent. I have made up my mind.

No more Luke.

It won't be fair to him, knowing I will die anyway.

I try to sleep, but no matter how long I keep my eyes shut... I can't fall asleep.

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