Chapter 4

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I can't do this!

This is probably the only thing I can think about. I don't even wanna see his handsome face and I....... Wait!! What? Handsome face?
No no, I mean his ugly face! Yeah, that's what I meant............!

"Emily?" My head snapped towards Zack who was now towering over me.
Just great already!

I smiled at him letting him know to continue. He just raised an eyebrow trying to read my face. And well I gave him my most charming smile.

"Well..." He dragged a little and then after sighing continued "I was saying that as you know you are the last one and my mother is probably thinking of thousands of ideas to kill me if don't appoint you so that's why I am appointing you." he said giving a pointy look towards his mom, who just shrugged in response "So you should start your work this instant and I have a meeting to attend so I'm gonna leave now." he said walking towards the exit.

"Thank you so much, sir. You can't imagine how much I needed this job and......wait! Did you just tell me to start work from today?" I asked him clearly frustrated at this point.

He just smirked at me. "yup" he said . That bastard.

"Okay sure, sir. I was looking forward to it." and just like that his smirk dropped. Gotcha! He nodded and left the room slamming the door behind him. I was trying to hold my laughter back when I heard someone clearing their throat. My head whipped towards them and I saw Mrs knight standing there giving me soft smile," Sorry about my son, he is just being a jerk." I smiled at her frankness.

"No, it's okay Mrs knight," I said giving her a reassuring smile which she returned with the beautiful one of her own.

"Oh, dear! Call me Jenna. These formalities kind of make me sound old." I nodded toward her. "And yeah you don't have to start work from today. I know you're tired. I'll ask Clair here"- she said pointing towards the bitch-"to give you a tour around and tell you about your duties." I nodded feeling excited. why am I excited? "And sorry dear but I have to go home. I'll come around to see you," she said waving her hand.

I waved my hand. "Goodbye, Jenna!" I shouted for her to hear but she was long gone.

"She's gone, child. Just follow me." said the bitch giving me death glares. Child? Child!!? How dare she? Beaitchhhhhh!!

I stick out my tongue behind her as there was nothing else I could do.
Really mature Emma. Now feel proud of yourself!! Said my annoying inner voice.
Shut up inner me.


Let me guys tell you, Clair didn't bug me for an entire tour. I guess she was also afraid of the devil. Well, there were small apartments for servants and believe me guys it was more perfect than my entire life. They were all located near the building but mine was the one which was nearest to his penthouse, as I was his caretaker, not his servant so mine was also slightly better. There was one room, a small tv launch, a kitchen, and a washroom. It was enough for me as I was told I had to spend more time in his penthouse. My apartment was just for sleeping purposes.

I took a nap for two hours. Today I just had to make a coffee for Zack at night soooo 'hallelujah!!

It was now 7 pm and I was pretty bored now. Just as I was thinking of ripping someone's head off, I heard a knock on the door. Well, I practically ran towards the door but composed myself already so the person on the other side could not be dazed by my eagerness.

I opened the door wide to meet with the same girl I chose, "Annie?" I asked.

"Y-yeah right sorry to disturb you but I wanted to check on you. If you are alright." the poor girl spluttered.

"Yeah, I'm alright. Anything else?" I said raising an eyebrow.

"Oh, nothing else. Good night!" Poor girl gave me nervous smile and walked off. I sighed and closed the door.

It was now 9 pm and I was bored as fauckk. I'll never watch movies again cause I was pretty much doing it all day. I should've neve--


What's that? I thought to myself and looked around and my eyes fell on an intercom nearby.

"Hello?" I asked into the phone.

"My office now!" came the voice of the last person on this earth I wanted to hear. I moved my ass up to his penthouse not caring about the weird glances people were giving me on my way. Hey! It's not their fault as I was only in my pajamas and a white tank top. What can I say, I'm weird.

I reached his penthouse which was next to his office. Breath Emma! Breath! Once I calmed myself, I knocked softly on the door. I waited. Waited and waited. Waited for a little longer. Ok, a little much longer. It's okay I can wait for a little longer.




Ok, fuck him. Now I banged on the door and I'm sure the whole building was shaken by my outburst. I could hear some movements and shuffle from the inside. And the door opened revealing our famous.....

No, not Zack....

Bitchh!! Yeah, you are right 'Clair'
And believe me, she was literally half-naked. Omg, they were having 's' word???

She gave me a glare and moved outside. Well, that's interesting.

"What are you doing here?" Came the angry voice from inside. I snapped my head towards the voice and let me tell you, it took my all strength not to die then and there.

There stood Zack in front of me topless.
Yesssssssss!!! My Gawd! Daiumm!! Those muscles and packs and ---

Okay, stop don't you stare at his perfect muscles. His eyes are up there. Hello, eyes!! But those muscles.

I heard him clearing his voice. I looked into his eyes and amusement was playing in those beautiful.....

Okay, stop! He already caught you staring at him.

"Um yeah, well you called me." I gave him a cheeky smile, hiding my blushes.
Wait! Blush? From when did I start blushing?

"Oh yeah I remember I just called you to make me a cup of coffee." he gave me lingering look and a moment later opened the door wide open for me to come in. "Well come in," he said.

I walked past him and my shoulder slightly touched his chest. Now I was a whole tomato.

I quickly made my way toward the kitchen and started making the coffee.
"Dark coffee please!" I hear him say from behind me.

Let me guys tell you, one thing I do best rather than ripping people's heads off is making coffee.
I was perfectly fine, zoomed out in my own little world when a cold touch on my hand startled me.......


Okay, guys here's the update. Please ignore my English. I know it sucks but try to ignore it. If you like the chapter then please vote and comment.

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