Chapter 18: The K

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Krissy's Point of View
I woke up in an amazing mood. I was sure it had to do with Blake and our amazing date last night. I had so much fun with him. I let myself actually feel and loved every single second of it. I guess Blake liked it so much, we were going out today again. I still hadn't told Morgan, but i'm sure she was going to be happy about it.

I slid out of bed and made my way to my bathroom. I turned the faucet on and reached for my toothbrush. I put some toothpaste on it and began to brush my teeth.

It was still very surreal to me that I am going on my third date with Blake. This means he actually likes me, which only scares me more. I'm afraid of what he will do once I tell him the truth. I'm even more terrified if he finds out the truth and it's not from me. Blake deserves my honesty, yet I can't find it in me to tell him everything. I don't want him to forget about me. I especially don't want him to hate me for it.

"Honey?" I heard someone say while knocking on my door. I rinsed my mouth and reached for my glasses on my night stand. I slid them on and began to walk towards my door. "Some guy named Blake is here. Is he the one that stood you up in class?"

I stopped walking, hearing my mom say those words through the door. What was he doing here? I haven't heard or seen from him, as Krissy, since he stood me up at our presentation. I heard my mom knock once more. I took a few deep breaths before going over to my door. I swung it open and saw my mom standing there. She had a huge grin on her face. It was slightly creepy.

"Honey, this handsome boy is downstairs. Your father has invited him to eat breakfast, so hurry up and get ready." She said before walking down the hall towards the stairs. I nodded, feeling my eyes widen at the fact that he was actually here.

I'm still confused as to why he was here. My friendship with him as Krissy was over. We were only friends for class, if you can even call us that. I never expected him to come back here. Actually, why did he come back here?

I closed my bedroom door and walked over to my bathroom. I quickly washed my face and put my glasses back on. I then walked out and went towards my dresser. I chose a pair of dark wash skinny jeans and a navy sweater. I pulled on my black converse and went down stairs. I didn't bother to do anything to my hair since it was naturally wavy.

I walked down the stairs and heard laughter coming from the kitchen. I took a deep breath before pushing my glasses up and walking into the room.

"Hi." I said getting Blake's attention. My parents also turned to look at me. My mom had this gleam in her eye.

"Good morning princess." My dad said with a smile. Blake smiled at me too.

"Hi, Krissy. How are you?" Blake asked. His smile was still very present, making my insides turn to goo. I quickly ignored that feeling.

"Good." I said cautiously. I was still weary to him being here. I sat down at the kitchen counter where they were. I saw pancakes on a plate and bacon on another.

"Here honey." My mom said handing me a plate with both breakfast items. She also placed a glass of milk in front of me.

"So um, why are you here?" I asked softly. My mom's eyes widened and then narrowed, glaring at me. I constrained myself from eye rolling.

I'm going to be blunt. He left and ignored me, not explaining his disappearance. He let me fail, well our teacher let me redo our whole presentation and I aced it. He still hasn't explained to me why he was here or why he left. He just stopped talking to me as I never even existed.

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