Chapter Thirty-Nine

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I woke up five times that night. Five times. It was always Mason. He wouldn't stop crying. I had to feed him two times, the other times he just wanted to be held. Eventually I gave up and brought him in bed, between Ryder and I. He stayed quiet the rest of the night and I finally got to sleep.

In the morning I woke up unhappy. I was supposed to meet Ramon at the border but after last night events how could I? Ryder probably sent out warriors to go and retrieve him. I heard Mason whimpering had I groaned turning in bed, praying he doesn't start crying again. To my luck he doesn't . I stuffed my head in the pillow and then felt around. Where was the baby and Ryder? I thought they were-

"Em I got him this time, you look tired" I groaned in response, slightly happy.

"Okay buddy. Hey shhh" Masons cries had quieted and I heard Ryder start to hum. It was soothing, even to me. "He's out cold, go back to sleep babe" I nodded, snuggling closer to the blankets. He walked towards the bassinet, probably setting him down. He walked over and then wrapped his arms around me. My face had then found his neck, I took a deep inhale, getting closer to him.

"Ryder.." he grunted in response. "Can you hum me that lullaby you sang to Mason?" He then chuckled.

"You want me to sing a lullaby for you to go to sleep?" I nodded and I smiled lightly as he began to sing. It's to the side btw

I started to drift off to sleep as he kept singing softly. I wrapped my arms around him, drifting into a peaceful slumber.


I woke up when Ryder started to turn underneath me. Yes underneath me. I had a leg draped over him as I had clutched his neck, keeping him close to me. One of his hands was holding me up at my rear and the other was draped over my waist.

"Isn't this a nice way to wake up?" I nodded my head and shifted a bit, getting comfortable. He groaned, shifting as well. "Em I have to go though"

"A few more minutes" I mumbled back. He chuckled.

"No can do Gem. I have to see if they caught Ramon yet" I sat up, basically straddling him. He gulped and his heart sped up. "I-I guess I can stay a bit longer" his hands went to my waist and I shook my head.

"No I think you should get going" Kya attempted to come out but I stopped her.

Let me at least tease him, he's always so on edge.

Fine but know

Y-ya I know..

"Mate your in a position where I don't think I should let you go"

Kya then pulled me down close to his ear. "Then don't" he growled and then his lips found mine. I groaned easing into it. He went to turn us over so he was on top but I pushed him back down onto the bed. He growled a bit again and I took his hands off my hips to the top of his head. My kisses went down to his neck and he groaned again. I then sighed pulling away.

"You still have to go though...shame" I let go of him turning and standing next to the bed.

"You little tease" he growled out. In an instant he was next to me, trapping me in his arms. Eh then came close. "This is not over my Gem" I shivered and he walked into the bathroom. I heard the shower go off and I giggled. I then left the room, going down to get breakfast.


"Hey little sister" I felt Jaces arm wrap around me while he gave me a nuggy.

"No Jace stop my hair!" I giggled as he started to tickle my sides. I squealed almost unable to breath.


"Attack!" It was Rae. Jace got off of me and then I heard a thud. He groaned a bit and I got up. She tackled him to ground. I caught my breathe from laughing so much.

"Anyways we weren't here for the tickling fights" I could already tell Rae was crossing her arms while sitting on Jace, just by her tone.

"Where's little Mason at?" Jace finished. My mouth formed an 'o'.

"That's right you didn't see him yet, he's in my room, come" steadily I walked up the stairs and found my way into my room. I sniffed the air, is Mason alone? Where's Ryder? I spoke to soon as I walked in. I was slammed up against the wall, I yelped and then felt his lips on mine.

Of coarse I had to melt into the kiss. Stupid Mate bond and hormones. My hands started to go down and he was still in a towel! Someone coughed behind us. I jumped a bit.

"Hey bro listen we were her to see a baby not to see you guys make a baby" I started to blush a deep shade and Ryder growled.

"Fine" he then whispered something in my ear. "Your lucky this time" I smirked and then walked over to the bassinet.

"Now who's ready to meet their Auntie and Uncle?"

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