Chapter two

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Sorry for this being such a late update but I had to do some major editing on the last two chapters and this one.

If you see any mistakes please tell me so I can edit it again

Thanks and enjoy

Chapter two

The two large doors stood in my way between the Beta of this pack and me. I swallowed the lump which was forming in my throat. The old lady turned to me “If you need me just call for Georgina.” She knocked on the door and then patted my hand lightly. The door was opened by a large man who only looked a couple of years older than me.

His glare was hard and demanding. His eye’s swept over me once before looking at Georgina. “Who is this?” He snapped. The woman next to me sighed and shook her head.

“Did your mother teach you no manners?” She asked back and his glare softened.

“Come in.” He muttered and opened the door wider for us both to step in. “It’s nice to meet you…” He waited for me to say my name but I could feel my legs begin to shake and only just be able to hold me up. I was terrified of large men like him.

It reminded me of when I saw six and went to a pack meeting with my mother. I remember what seemed like a small space we had all been squished into. I remember staring up at the tall men as they laughed when they shoved me hard enough so I would fall on my butt while my mother stood there doing nothing but look at me and shake her head in disappointment.

I felt a shiver go down my spine as I remembered the memory. His stare became inpatient and he crossed his arms over his chest.

“Don’t keep me here waiting. I could be with my mate right now.” He barked out at me making me tug a little at Georgina. She tried to calm me down with a soothing rub on my arm.

“Kent.” She scolded “Can you see she’s terrified?”

“She should be. Rogues are not welcome in this pack house.”

“She’s not a rogue.” She argued back. Kent snorted and went behind the desk.

“If she’s not a rogue then what is she doing in our land without our permission.” Georgina narrowed her eyes at him. The room started to feel as if it was getting smaller as both of their eyes landed on me. I glanced around the room. There was a window and a door. Both aren’t easy to escape from. I felt my body start to shake again.

“Why are you here dear?” Georgina asked and I looked at her. My gaze went from her to the bete and then back to her. “Are you trying to find someone? A friend? A parent? Your mate?” I nodded my head at the last one and she smiled. “Aw it’s nice to see a young lady cross our land in search for her mate. See Kent, she’s not here to kill us all. She’s here to find her mate.”

“Well there is only one male who is unmated and he’s not here.”

“Not true-“

“We are not counting the boys under the age of sixteen. They are yet to go through the ceremony.” Georgina’s eyes narrowed.

“I’m not letting her leave with her still afraid of us. She’ll probably go home and never find her mate.” My bottom lip trembled at the memory of my parents basically disowning me until I find my mate. Georgina turned to me “First we must know your name dear and then you will have a private discussion with Kent here. He’ll be nice, won’t you Kent?” She hissed the last bit at Kent with a glare. He nodded slowly before Georgina grinned. “Great. So what’s your name?”

“L-Lauren.” I stuttered and she patted my shoulder.

“Lovely name. Here take a seat.” She sat be opposite the Bete who was studying me closely with his hands clasped together on the large desk. “I’ll see you soon.” Georgina said as I watched her open the large doors and then shut them quietly. I stared longingly after her.

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