Chapter 1

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"Hey little buddy," blond alpha-male said. "I'm giving your sister a ride home. You want to come?"

Rory narrowed his eyes at the partial-stranger. His sister's boyfriend. Rory had blanked on the guy's name, as they had been introduced far too early in the morning for him to remember. 

Blond alpha-male turned awkward as Rory just stared at him without a word. 

"It's better than having to deal with the bus," he continued. "And I'm just taking Kristen home, so we're going to the same place, so..." 

Kristen's little brother. That's who Rory was at school, outside a group of select friends. 

His sister had long, chest length dyed platinum blonde hair with honey brown eyes. Her breasts were accented by a push up bra, worn under a tight fitting tank top paired with a short skirt to show off long, perfect legs.

She had the perfect grades and was on the golf team. Was golf really a sport at school? Apparently yes. 

Rory knew he was living in her shadow. He had light brown hair, nothing as stunning as his sister's. He was short and slim at only fourteen, he had yet to hit his growth spurt and fill out. 

Not like blond alpha-male. He was tall and lean muscle, and had... well, blond hair. His eyes were green though, so he didn't quite fit the blond-haired blue-eyed American poster boy look. Just barely. He didn't play football, his musculature was too compact for that... some other sport. But not golf. 

He was trying to be nice to his girlfriend's little brother. Blond alpha-male huffed impatiently, eyes skittering around for an excuse out of the awkward situation he had gotten himself into. 

Finally, the savior Kristen appeared from her class. Blond alpha-male physically sagged with relief and went to greet her. They spoke in hushed tones for a moment, before Kristen sent an accusing look at Rory. 

"Don't be so stubborn," she frowned. "We'll take the ride home," she said to blond alpha-male. 

Rory followed obediently out to the parking lot, trailing behind the happy couple. The only good they did was clear a path in the crowd as they pushed their way through, so Rory didn't have to bump shoulders. 

They got out to blond alpha-male's car, which was a surprising POS. Rory eyed it warily, noting the old make of the car. The electronic locks on it didn't work, and the antenna made a weird grinding noise when the car started. The speakers were shot. Trash cluttered the back seats. 

"Sorry," blond alpha-male turned in his seat to clear some foot space for Rory.

Rory gingerly slid in, keeping his feet in the narrow gap of clean and leaning against the door. Kristen talked on about her first day at school, and blond alpha-male listened dutifully. 

Rory stared out the window and watched as people wove through the crowds, trying to get out of school. The cars were backed up with the buses. Blond alpha-male sat at a stop sign for a good five minutes before finally getting in the momentum of traffic. 

Once they were finally out of the school parking lot, they headed home. Rory was first out of the car, followed by blond alpha-male and Kristen. Rory unlocked the front door and let himself in, leaving the door opened for the other two. He dropped his backpack and headed for the kitchen, grabbing a dessert power bar out of the cabinets. 

Kristen and her new beau had some conversation about what they should do. Rory tuned it out, wondering if it was worth calling some of his friends to hang out. He hadn't been out of the house in a while. 

He wasn't an outside person. School was really the only thing that got him out of the house. It caused him to squint under the sun most times, until his eyes adjusted. 

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