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3. Ellie - 2004

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Thirteen Years Ago

The rat-a-tat-tat on my trailer door stops me in my tracks, and I grin. Isaac knocks the same way, every time. What time is it? Late. Some people just finished filming. Was Isaac one of them? I can't remember what was on the call sheet.

"Come in." No matter the time, I'd answer the door for him. I drop my phone into my purse and check the rest of the trailer for anything else I'll need overnight.

When Isaac enters, he pushes his hands in his pockets. His grin splits his face. "Hey, Ellie. We're heading out to Club Cobra tonight. You in?" His almost too-white teeth glow in his brown face. How do I work with such beautiful people?

"Club Cobra?" I frown and check the clock above the desk. "What's your call time tomorrow?"


"At night?" I throw the last couple things in my bag. Not that it matters, I'm back on set at eight in the morning.

"Ah, no. In the morning. You in short stuff or what?"

He was a child star, so he can get away with a lot more than I can. Isaac is beautiful, rich, and has a wicked sense of humor. Everyone loves him. This movie is my big break. I can't screw up. "I'm not sure I should." I bite the tip of one of my overly long nails.

"I'll cover your ass tomorrow if we're tired, I swear." Isaac's grin widens.

It isn't my ass I'm worried about, it's my job. We're only two weeks into filming, and I've heard enough about my co-stars to know that there is a good chance they aren't going to sleep at all.

"Come on. Last week in Cali before we head to Spain. Live a little," he cajoles me.

"Oh, fine." With a small shake of my head, I loop my arm with his. Whatever we get up to tonight, I need to keep a level head so I'm good for tomorrow. Should be easy enough. In the two weeks I've known Isaac, we've become good friends. He's a magnet for people.

We head to the lot where Isaac has called for a limo. He maintains a running stream of inappropriate but hilarious jokes. Up ahead, a gaggle of models, extras and crew are standing around at the edge of the lot.

"Where is everyone going?" I whisper into Isaac's ear.

He laughs, rocking back on his heels. "Oh, Ellie. We're all going out. We're gonna make it rain money." He throws his hands up in a flamboyant fashion. I suspect he's already high on something, but I can't be sure.

My stomach flips. The money from this job pays my rent until I get another job. There is no guarantee for me that there will be another job. I slow my pace beside him and consider changing my mind. What am I getting myself into?

"Isaac!" Wyatt jogs up behind us, emerging out of the darkness into the streetlights like a myth come to life. "Man, I thought you were going to leave without me." He laughs and slaps him on the back.

"Would have, but I had to convince Ellie to come." Isaac steps to the side so Wyatt's view of me is clear.

Was I hiding from him? I think I was hiding. Heat fills my cheeks.

"Ellie Cooper is finally coming out?" Wyatt sweeps me up into a big hug.

My heart thuds at the warmth of his embrace. If Isaac is beautiful and classy, Wyatt is dark and dangerous. He's a storm, thundering in off an ocean. Everything about him makes me anxious when we aren't acting together. He's too unpredictable when someone isn't directing him.

My laugh sounds nervous to my ears, and I ease away from him, shifting my purse higher on my arm, second-guessing my choice to come again. Wyatt made me sound like a prude. Finally coming out? I know how to have a good time.

When Stars Fall [EBOOK and PAPERBACK PUBLISHED]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang