Chapter four...

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A week has passed. Slowly...

Excruciatingly slowly.

I don't want to do this anymore, being forced into social situations, forced to eat, and worst of all I'm being forced to stay with demons.

How insensitive can two people be, Aunt Maggie and her husband are amazingly nice and caring but their daughters... spawns of Satan.

Melissa, the eldest, strives to make me feel like I want to die. I don't know why but she does, it's like she has never met me before. We used to have great fun when we were younger.

And Sarah, the younger, I think she might actually be Satan... the amount of times she has 'forgotten' to get me for dinner, or 'accidentally' hit or hurt me.

I don't want to live like this, and to make things worse I think Henry has forgotten about me slightly... scratch that he barely notices me. He is in college, has a girlfriend, many friends all the while I'm sat here sketching different things, people, places, etc.

I've found a great interest in the anime seasons on Netflix, my time at this house has been fairly uneventful. I rarely go out, only to walk Angel because no one else does it.

I feel bad for her the most, knowing if I was gone she would probably starve to death or just be forgotten about.

Currently walking through the park with Angel, I unclip her lead and let her run around. She knows somehow not to run too far, so I can still see her.

Spotting a vacant bench I walk over and plop down onto it, rolling the leash up and placing it in my hoodie pocket.

Taking my phone out, letting her play with the other dogs at the park, I look through Instagram and Tumblr.

I feel a tap on my shoulder and almost have a heart attack, looking to see Matthew I place a hand over my rapid heart. Placing another hand on my shoulder he looks at me worriedly, I wave him off and offer the seat next to me. He agrees happily and sits, draping an arm over the bench behind me, he loosens his tie and pulls out another cigarette and light.

I wonder if he does this every day, coming here to smoke. I wonder what he does for work.

Watching him place it between his lips, using a hand to shield the flame from the wind as he lit it, he puffed out a breath of smoke. He then looked to me and offered the cigarette... I suppose it is fine... I did it before so I should be okay having another.

I take it between my fingers, after hesitating slightly, I put it to my lips and close my eyes as the warm smoke fills my lungs. Forcing it out into a breath I hand back the cigarette. People always say smoking is bad for you and I do agree but the feeling is amazing.

I open my eyes to see him breathing out, looking around I see Angel about to poo on the grass... great.

I pat my pocket and sigh in relief, finding a poo bag. I stand and bring my fingers to my lips, blowing softly hopefully making a whistle sound, Angel's head whips up to me and she runs over after finishing.

I walk over and pick up all the poo inside the bag, turning back I see Angel trying to get onto Matthew's lap... she a big dog with the mind of a lap dog. I roll my eyes and pull the lead from my pocket, placing the bag into a nearby bin.

Watching Matthew playing with Angel, smiling as the cigarette is still hanging between his lips, I chuckle lightly and clip the leash to Angel's collar once again. Looking to Matthew who was holding out an unlit one to me, I debated slightly but took it looking to him again for a light. He nodded in understanding and pulled out the lighter, I held a hand over the flame like he had and he flicked it to make a flame.

After Matthew had lit it I stood up straight and waved goodbye to him, I walked away with Angel still slowly taking drags from it. I stepped up to the front door and unlocked it, letting Angel in first she bounded into the kitchen for her treats as I took my shoes off. I rubbed my hands together a little, being cold from having to hold the lead and cigarette. Removing it from my mouth I moved to the kitchen and threw it into the trash. I looked around and saw a lot of people on the sofa, including Henry.


His friends.

Kill me now...

It's not that I don't like them but they are all his age or older and some are assholes, plus he becomes a huge idiot when they are round.

Henry looked to me and walked over.

I read his lips.

"Why do you smell like smoke?" he asked, crossing his arms over his chest. He glanced to his friends and laughed before turning back to me "You aren't even legal."

Oh, so now he wants to know.

I push passed him and into the store cupboard, grabbing dog treats and tossing a few to Angel. The box was yanked from my hands, I look to Henry with a glare.

I started signing with an angry look on my face.

'You can't care now you haven't cared since the third day we got here. I don't need your love now after dealing with shit by myself. Fuck off.' I finish and run past him, up the stairs. I don't want him to follow me, but he probably will.

I change out of my hoodie and joggers, locking my door I grab a pair of black skinny jeans and a black Panic! at the disco shirt. I pull on a burgundy jacket and make my way from my room. Grabbing my phone on the way I pull on a pair of converse and cover my blonde hair with a red beanie.

As I'm about to leave I feel a hand on my shoulder. Turning to Henry I stare blankly at him.

"Where are you going?" he asks.

'To town.' I sign, no way in hell am I telling him where I actually want to go.

"You can't. I need you to cook us lunch." He says, smirking at me.

He did not just.

Oh, he is going to die.

I may not look strong but I can pack a punch.

I stare at him, shocked, and pull my fist back. I punch him in the gut and he falls to his knees, clutching his stomach.

I storm out of this god forsaken house.

Long chapter for this one, a couple smaller ones after this. >_< Bai 

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