seven: planning a wedding

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There was a little vintage shop near the grocery story and I hobbled in with Jeb's help. I saw a a dress on display and stopped. 

"That's it," I nodded

"Would you like to try this on?" the saleslady appeared. 

I nodded and she helped me into a dressing room. 

My body was not anything special. Normal height and normal weight and my boobs naturally a C-cup. I tanned easily and my hair was thick and wavy and different shades of brown. I barely had a waist but my shoulders were strong and freckled. 

Visiting my Dad and being around stick-figure California chicks used to give me a complex with their "00" sizes. I was a solid 8 or even 6, especially if I worked at it. 10 for my Thanksgiving jeans. Since I'd turned 18, I hadn't varied much, no matter what I did. 

I couldn't count how many times various step-relatives or half-relatives have tried to get me on a cleanse or recommended colonics. If I got one more Khloé Kardashian diet tip emailed to me, I was gonna start retaliating.


Vintage styles gave me an hourglass shape. Sometimes I would find modern cuts that worked but it took hours in dressing rooms - time Jeb and I didn't have. 

The woman helped me get the dress on and...yay! It was a brownish-cream with coral undertones. Made my skin look warm and it highlighted my shoulders and it gave the illusion of a waist. $250. A bargain for the price. I gave the woman my credit card, something I'd never given permission for Finn to use.

 I gave the woman my credit card, something I'd never given permission for Finn to use

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I limped out of the dressing room and Jeb handed me my crutches. "Where's the dress?"

"Bought it. She's getting it packed."

"That fast?"

The woman handed Jeb the dress, which was on a hangar and protected in plastic. I signed the receipt and he ran it out to the truck before we headed to the grocery store. 

"What color are your suits?"

"Suit. Singular," Jeb answered. "Dark gray."

Figures. "Tell me you have a cream dress shirt?"

"Two white. One light gray."

Oh for the love of God. "Ties?"

"Uh...let me think. I have a silvery one, black one, red one..." he got us a cart and wheeled it into the store. "A sort of dark green one that's really old, a yellow one and a Santa one with a light-up nose...that's it, I think."

"Any designs on them? What kind of yellow? Mustard or Big Bird?"

"Plain ties. Construction sign yellow."

"OK. What did you want to do for dinner?" 


"Easy. I like it. Do you buy the frozen meatballs to go in it?"

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