Chapter 9

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Ch. 9



That was the only thing I could do. I had to run. I heard her footsteps coming closer to me. She would be on top of me soon.

I heard the click of the gun and knew I was in trouble. I willed my legs to push me faster but they were at their limit. This was it. I was going to die and there's nothing I can do about it. I took a deep breath, preparing for what was to come. She was closer to me now. It was coming soon.


I snapped awak and gasped for air as I tried to figure out where I was. A hand landed on my arm and I jerked away from it.

"Shh. Hey, you're okay," he said. "Just a bad dream."

Slowly, I remembered where I was and I let the tension flow out of my body. I was safe. I was on a bus on my way to Louisiana. With Austin. Safe.

I let out a breath and smiled weakly up at Austin. "Thanks."

I'm not sure if he got my entire message that "thanks" carried, but it wasn't just for telling me I had a bad dream. It was for protecting me, making me feel safe. It was for comforting me. But mostly, it was just a thanks for being there, for being him.

"Excuse me, would you like some breakfast?" The attendant asked. We both nodded. I didn't realize how hungry I really was until she set the plate of scrambled eggs, pancakes and bacon in front of me. She asked if we wanted some orange juice and again we both said yes.

When she left there was no more room for conversation because we were both stuffing our faces with the delicious breakfast. I don't even remember the last time I ate. It was at least more than a day ago. I was hungry, and this hit the spot.

When we were getting to our last bites, Austin finally spoke up, "So I've been thinking, we don't really know that much about each other, I mean, other than what's been going on lately."

"You're right," I nodded. "So what should we do about that?"

And so began a two hour long game of 20 questions. I found out that Austin is actually kind of youtube famous. Hmm.. who knew?

"So you're a singer?" I questioned.

"Yeah," he shyly smiled.

"So you're going to sing to me sometime right?" I asked with an expectant smile on my face.

He looked extra shy, "Um, I could just show you one of my videos."

"Oh no no, I've got to see this up close, you know, so I know your for real," I teased.

He looked embarrassed. "It's ok Austin, I'm only teasing you. But I do really want to hear you sing."


I sat back, satisfied with myself. I looked over at him out of the corner of my eye and saw a shy little smirk plastered on his face. I smiled to myself. I got him.

*Austin's POV*

Wow. I let her get what she wanted way too easily. What is wrong with me these days? I'm never this much of a pushover with girls. Oh well. Only 3 more hours on this bus, then we can hang out in New Orleans for a few days, you know, blow off some steam. But then, we're on to Miami, the real point of this trip.

But somewhere in between there I have to figure out how to tell Sophie the truth about where we're going. I can't continue keeping secrets from her. I just can't. And I don't want to either, I just can't find a way to do it. But if I keep waiting then she'll be even more upset that I waited so long. Ugh, I don't know.

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