One Hell of a Girl

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Monday. Monday is significant for two reasons: one being that it marks that I am halfway done with this camp, and two being that I have avoided Flynn for a week. Well, not really avoided, as I know he has given me space. I know he's tearing himself apart by giving me the space I need. But I'm not dumb for I know he will waltz his way back into my life sooner or later. After all, tonight we have a late game of capture the flag in human form. Through the thickest part of the forest will the game be underway, four teams, human form, and seen as a de-stress game for some fun.

I feel his eyes open me, how his presence fills the dinning hall the second he enters. As every other day, we all rise to our feet, letting him know that we do see him as our next Alpha, bowing our heads in respect as he enters. The second I hear his chair moving across the wooden floor, I can't help but look up today, and just as I expected, his eyes are glued to me. Blood rushes to my cheeks and I snap my head back down to the plate before me, reminding myself of my place. As he takes his seat, as do as well, the food ready to be eaten now as we dig in.

I don't eat, my stomach growling over and over as I stare at the egg, yogurt, and bacon before me. I am hungry, but my stomach tells me that I will throw it up the second I swallow it. Why? Because I'm nervous. Why? Because today he watches me. For the past week we have shared short glances, not staring at the other. After all, anyone with Alpha blood confessing something like that to a pack member is seen as a massive load. For someone with Alpha blood to be emotional before someone else shows great locality and respect. It shows a true friendship. A friendship that should not go further because I am chained to society and that I believe Augustus and I will not be like his parents or my uncle. We will not just reject one another. Then again, Augustus has no idea about my world or any aspect about it.

After breakfast, we head out for the day, the group that I am in following around two warriors as we practice defense in wolf form. Over the course of the afternoon, I catch glimpses of Flynn, watching as he leads groups or partakes in activities. He's good at this stuff. He's a good leader and protector. He will make a great Alpha one day, but I know his passion lies outside of the werewolf community and in a degree and job within the human realm. He seeks breakage from the society of tradition. Flynn believes that fate is just an option. Flynn believes fate is hard to ignore. He doesn't know what the mate bond is like, how every night I think of Augustus and what he is up to.

By night the sun is gone, my clothing now changed as I wear black running shorts and a black tank top, my sneakers on, hair pulled back right, and ready for a game. I'm on the yellow team, a yellow glow stick around my neck like the rest of my team as we stand on the western patch of the forest, our flag hidden in a tree stretching over a small creak. The leader of our group is a girl, Meghan Woods, a future warrior for the pack and one of Flynn's picks for his Delta. He already has his Beta picked for when he gets the Alpha title, and that boy, Cole, is on the green team. Meghan gives us our jobs, some people protecting the radius of the flag, and people like me chosen to be bait, and others to go and find the flag. Sure, bait sounds like a low blow, but I know to follow the orders.

As the dog whistle is blown by the head warrior, it piercing our ears shortly, letting us know the game has begun as we begin. The people set to find the other flags run out, some taking longer paths as others shorter ones. Meghan nods to my group, each of us heading out all alone into the forest to be bait as we take different paths from people actually after the other flags. I just hope to go back to bed without a broken limb as those are a bitch to heal.

I jump over a small steam of water, knowing some people finding the flags have taken the route of water to hide their scent. I also know I am being sent over to the blue team territory as bait where I know Flynn is directing the blue team. Hell, he's probably heading out to find a flag, making it safer for me to be in this territory without my nerves sky rocketing.

Intimacy | ✔️ {Wattys 2017}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon