Chapter 1: The Text

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{Started March 5, 2017}
{Completed February 18, 2018}

Krissy's Point of View
Books, books, and even more books littered my bedroom floor. I had so much homework, I knew what my weekend was going to be like, not that I ever minded. I would stay in and study and then study some more. I was determined to get into Harvard and become a lawyer. I needed the extra study time, even if that meant giving up my teenage life.

It's not that I didn't care about the high school experience, it's just that I don't care about actually enjoying it. I rather stay home and study than go out and party, and hook up with some random stranger.

Partying just really isn't my thing and it probably won't ever be. I don't understand how people go out every night until like 3 a.m. and then go out again the next night, all while while still going to school. I would be tired every single second of the day. I'm already tired every morning.

Then there's the drinking. I do not drink. I have never wanted to drink and I will never drink. Only bad things can come from alcohol. People drink until they are severely wasted and then act out. They never remember what happened the night before and they have a killer hangover the next morning. I don't get it. Although I have never actually had a hangover, I am pretty sure they regret drinking the night before. I know I would.

Smoking also goes on in these parties. To begin with, it's illegal for us. Weed and cigarettes are definitely not on my good side. It kills you. The drugs literally kill you, if not at the moment, slowly, but surely. I honestly do not understand why anyone enjoys this crap. You get drunk, do stupid shit, and then repeat it again the next day. It's a vicious cycle.

Then there's the "dancing". I've seen it in movies, what these people call dancing, and let me tell you, that is not dancing. That's grinding. They practically have sex right on the dance floor and people don't even care! They rub their body parts all over each other while being severely drunk or faded. Some are even cross faded and then never remember it in the morning! I don't understand the fun in it.

I mean don't get me wrong, my best friend lives the partier life. She likes going to parties and being the center of attention. We're total opposites, yet we're best friends. Morgan is a part of the cool crowd. She's one of the most popular girls in school, being on the cheer team, yet she sticks with me.

Ever since kindergarten, where I shared my snacks with her, she has been with me. It's now the middle of senior year and we're still stuck together. We're like peanut butter and jelly. She's the crazy peanut butter that's either chunky or creamy, and i'm the plain jelly. It works for us.

Although I enjoy staying in and studying, Morgan goes out and parties. She'll sneak into my room late at night to tell me everything that went on. That way it doesn't feel like I missed out on anything exciting. She does beg me to go to at least one party before high school is over, I just don't see the point.

Why would I waste one of my precious nights to go to a party surrounded by all the morons I go to school with. Isn't school enough? I just don't get why they do it. Some of the people don't even get along.

Speaking of my wild best friend, my phone was ringing with her face on the screen. It was a picture of her with her tongue out. I took it on snapchat and saved it to make it her contact picture.

"Hey." I said answering her call. I sat down at my desk, in front of my laptop waiting for her reply.

"Tim Jim is throwing a party tonight! You in?" She asked. I chuckled. Oh, in her dreams. Today was Thursday. There was no way i'd be caught at a party on a school night or a party for that matter.

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