Part 12

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A.N. Kankri and Kurloz, anybody?
    Kankri hated having to turn and twist around the swarm of bodies, nearly spilling his drink on himself more than once and glaring at the kid who barely reached his elbows. It didn't help none that Mituna was shoving him from behind, cackling loudly. Mituna was a good enough friend, but he was such dick.
    Latula was the one who dragged him to this high school party, and Kankri only agreed because it was Tula, of all people. Besides, she said there would be kids their ages there, like Cronus.
    He wasn't at the party for very long before he saw a familiar mop of hair. Looks like Karkat had taken his advice about the eyeliner afterall, it brought more attention to his face from his stupid costume.
    Karkat was flanked on either side by the youngest Ampora and Captor boys, the two nerds. But, Kankri mused, they were pretty cool for a pair of nerds, especially since Eridan did that purple streak in his hair and Sollix once saved his laptop from a virus.
    Karkat's eyes were laughing at him before his mouth was, and Kankri wished that he'd been smart enough to ask which party his younger brother was going to so that he could've avoided him. The devil horns on top of his head felt like a 10 pound weight and absolutely ridiculous.
    Karkat ducked away before Kankri got the chance to hurt him, but the two friends stayed behind to talk to Mituna. Kankri tapped his foot, and then his fingers were going along with the beat of the music against his thigh, trying his best to look casual and not like he wanted to leave.
    "Maybe you should take a moment in the bathroom, Kanny, I know how you get at parties after a while," whispered Latula, leaning in close enough that Kankri could smell her perfume. He nodded and rushed off to try and find the bathroom in the massive house by himself.
    It took a lot of doors opening (and one where he had to quickly slam it shut when he accidentally walked in on two kids who were getting a little too intimate) before he found the restroom. The florescents of the bathroom lights burned through his eyelids when he closed his eyes, weariness settling in.
College was so stressful and nobody wanted to hear from the religious kid who talked too much. Even Latula would elbow him and jokingly say, "Jeez, who put a dollar's worth in you?" Not that Kankri found it very funny. His religious beliefs and motor mouth kept him from making many friends at his school, he didn't even think his roommate liked him very much. He wanted to hide out in here until Latula texted him to meet up so that they could leave. He hated Halloween and he hated his stupid, joke of a costume. A righteous man donning devil horns, how insulting! But it was his best friend who had insisted...
    His best friend with perfect lipstick and breasts, and wide hips perfect for hands to rest on. Strong legs from skateboarding, and all of that dark hair! His best friend, who had a zanny boyfriend that she adored with all of her heart.
    Kankri curled his lips. Thoughts of a sinner, he told himself. Thinking of a woman who was already taken. He must've been a bad person, why else would he be so insanely jealous of Mituna? He was a shitty person, and she definitely deserved having someone who was on par with her own personality, unlike himself, who was such a killjoy that he had to hide out in the bathroom when he got overwhelmed.
    A loud knock on the other side nearly made him jump out of his skin, and he hurriedly unlocked the door and slipped past the person waiting. The hallway was pitch black as his eyes tried to adjust to the darkness. The pound of the music made his heart boom, like when a firework went off and the sound would strike you in the chest.
    He barely saw the figure in front of him, and they steadied him with their hands, chuckling. "Slow down buddy, you're gonna knock us both down,"
    "My apologies, I should've been paying better attention," Kankri says quickly, trying to back up, but the hands, wearing fingerless gloves, held onto his wrist. The cold finger tips burned into Kankri's bones, and iced his skin. Before he could yank them away the person was loosening their grip.
    "Kankri Vantas?" The hallway was still too dark for Kankri to make out the person's face, and he squinted, trying his best to adjust.
    "I'm sorry, I can't see very well right now. Who is this?" The hands jerked away instantly, and Kankri let them drop by his sides, confused.
    "It's...Kurloz Makara, from high school," the figure said hesitantly, their voice sounding unsure. Then, before he could even register what that name meant to him, he was being tugged into a room, the clicking of the door being the only sound before the light flicked back on.
    And oh God, was he unprepared. It was Kurloz. The only guy Kankri knew who would dress up as a skeleton everyday like it wasn't embarrassing. The same Kurloz that Kankri had ditched, ignored, and hurt. The feeling of being a piece of shit came back again in a rush.
A.N. Sorry it's so short, I'm exhausted 😵 but yea, from now on it'll be going back and forth between Karkat and Kankri every chapter or two! Tell me which point of view you like better, who your favorite Makara brother is, which Vantas do you prefer? I love hearing all of that good stuff! Tell me what you think in the comments!

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