Chapter 26: It's True, Red Heads Have No Soul!

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Ch26:It's True, Red Heads Have No Soul!

"No," I shake my head. "I know you said it's dangerous, but I want to meet this red head chick besides I can take of myself."

I sure hope so because apparently we're walking into a bar filled with people who are loyal to Janet and she probably wants Vincent dead. So in a sense we're walking into a room where we can all get killed.

So, what was I saying about normalcy earlier?

"Let me go in first," Joe says and we nod in agreement.

"How do we know when to walk in?" I ask and they both stare at me in confusion. "Like a code word or something."

"Good thinking kitten," Vincent nods. "What's the code word?"

"When I say tell her to take a walk with me," he says. "She'll be turned around and that'll give you a chance to walk in without immediately getting attacked."

"Sounds great," Vincent nods.

Joe nods firmly before opening the bar door and walking inside. I can hear friendly greetings and laughter erupt then a girl's voice is heard above all of it.

"Joe," she exclaims. "I've been waiting to see you."

"Red," we hear Joe's voice. "Why would you be waiting for me?"

"Important issues need our attention,"   Janet says and I can tell they're both standing right by the door. "You're my right hand man. I think it's appropriate we discuss these issues together."

"Right hand man," Joe chuckles. "Why don't we take a seat over here?"

We hear their footsteps moving away and I release a breath I didn't know I was holding in.

"Two beers over here," Janet yells and I can tell they're a few feet away now.

"Before we drink," Joe says. "Why don't you take a walk with me?"

That's it our code, yet both me and Vincent don't move.

"Wait," Vincent mouths and I nod.

"Fine," Janet says "but then we're drinking."

"Of course," Joe says.

"Now," Vincent taps my shoulder and we open the bar door before stepping in.

The room is packed with men and women of all sizes, but no one in the room seems to notice us as the laughter continues. The floor of the bar is made of light brown wood as well as the tables and everything else inside.

I spot Joe giving us a strange look and then I see her.

A short girl with dark red hair wearing ripped jeans, a white shirt, and a black leather jacket.

"Vincent?" A voice questions loudly and the entire room falls silent. I can see and feel everyone's eyes on us including Janet's.

She has a look of utter shock on her face.

She's really pretty with her dark long red hair falling at her sides and big brown eyes filled with confusion.

"Vincent," she exhales slowly making her way towards us.

"Janet," Vincent says, a crooked smile on his face.

"You're not dead," she stands in front of him looking as if she were facing a ghost.

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