26. Reunion*

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I woke up from someone roughly shaking my shoulder. I was not one who liked being woken up so as to why someone decided to fuck with me... I don't know. After rubbing my eyes I took in my surroundings, I was in my room. The only difference was the moonlight seeping into my room, opposed to the sunlight.

"You slept the day away." Owen said with a chuckle. "Not that that's out of the ordinary." I smacked his arm playfully. It was true, if given the opportunity I could sleep all day.

I noticed he was dressed in his pajamas and almost panicked. "What time is it?" I asked.

"8:30." Damn. I missed dinner.

"Titus flipped shit when you didn't show up to lunch. He took off into the woods and hasn't been back since." My eyes went wide, guilt starting to seep in. "Oh." He rested his hand over mine. "I know you don't want to hear this, but I think you should talk to him. Even if things don't go the way you want, you need this to move on with your life." Maybe he was right, but I didn't want to give Titus a chance to sneak his way back into my good graces.

"I will, just not right now." I said, coming to a compromise.

He nodded then stood. "Alright, I'm heading to bed." He placed a kiss on my forehead then left.

I pulled out my laptop and began binge-watching shows on Netflix. I had my mom bring me some popcorn and offered her to join me, but she was so exhausted from the day's events so I let her go. I would have asked Maci or Alex to join me, but they were probably exhausted as well.

I was an hour into my binge watching when I heard a loud howl off in the distance. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion then shrugged it off. That was until my wolf pushed out one of her own in the back of my mind. "Uhh..."

His wolf was calling out to mine in an attempt to lure me in. I rolled my eyes then continued watching my shows.

The howls didn't stop after that, they went on for three hours straight. I even tried putting headphones in my ears but that didn't stop my wolf from trying to claw her way out. "What the hell man?" I groaned as my head began to hurt from my wolf's persistence. It was becoming unbearable.

My mom and dad walked into my room looking completely sleep deprived. I snatched my earbuds out of my ears and stared at them in concern. "Okay Brinn, You need to make him stop before I do." My dad gave me a firm look, this was not up for discussion.

I sighed then nodded my head. "I'll take care of it, you guys go get some sleep." They both sighed in relief then left my room in a better mood.

I slid on my white vans then headed out of my room and down the stairs. A couple of Greystone pack members were congregated by the kitchen drinking hot chocolate. Two males and three females. They all stopped their conversation and greeted me. "Luna" they said in unison.

"I'm sorry about this, I'm taking care of it now. You guys can head back to bed." They all gave me a grateful smile.

I continued on my way. Walking out of the pack house I wrapped my arms around my chest. It was more of a comforting gesture. I padded my way through the snow, the snow falling lightly against my cheek tonight in tiny white specks.

It didn't take me long to find Titus, he had left a scent trail for me specifically and I couldn't miss his low howls of the night.

His grey wolf stood with his chest puffed out when I approached the small clearing. I sighed then slowly walked towards him.

I stopped when I was stood directly in front of him. "You kept the whole pack house up." I scolded. He tilted his head to the side, silently telling me he could care less.

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