Chapter thirty-nine

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QOTD: what is your favorite emoji??

MA: Mine is currently the black heart 🖤

Chapter 39

I walk up in the dorms and knock on Elliot's door.

I rub my neck and wonder what I'm gonna say to him. I was always the one to be broken up with not the one to break the relationship. Therefore I'm nervous. But I know I'm doing the right thing. He needs someone that is gonna love him unconditionally. And not think of other guys.

"Hey babe. What's up" I hear someone say.

I turn and make eye contact with Elliot. He is not wearing a shirt at the moment. "Can I come in" I ask?

"Uh sure" he says moving out of the way.

"What do you wanna talk about" he ask?

Without my mind processing and my mouth just opening it all happen so fast. "I think we should break up" I blur out.

His eyebrows raise and he takes a seat. "Oh" he says.

"I-I didn't know you felt that way"

"Listen. I've been thinking so hard. And that's the problem. I don't think" I confess.

He doesn't even look at me. "That's just not me to think."

"So you are gonna break up with me because you changed and you started thinking about things" he ask confused.

"Not just that but you deserve someone better El. You deserve someone that is gonna love you and be the perfect girl for you" I say.

I walk up to him and put my hands on his shoulder. "Look at me" I say.

He meets my eyes for the last time. "There is someone out there that is gonna love you and spoil you and tell you how much you mean to them." I say as I clean off his tears that is falling slowly down his face.

He doesn't say anything he just stares at the wall. I take a breath and turn away.

"You like him don't you" Elliot ask?

"What" I ask turning my way to him.

"You like Bailey don't you" he ask me again?

"No" I shake my head, "I love him."

With that I am gone out the door. I can't waste my time. I need to go to him and tell him how I feel.

For the very first time there since I started school it was crowed. "Excuse me" I say as I push past people.

"Hey watch where you are going" someone shouts at me.

"Move" I yell as I push past people.

I then run into someone and then fall. But I just jump back up and continue to run. Once I get to my building I run to the elevator. I hit the button but it isn't fast enough for me."come on. Come on" I say then dash for the stairs.

I bout die but then I get to my floor and I run down the hall. I grab the door handle but stop. I just stare at the white door in front of me and think about what I'm gonna say.

Or do I just come straight out and kiss him? No that's weird Rilen.

I open the door. "Bailey" I say.

I look around and don't see him. I let out a big breath. "Bailey" I walk in and look around.

"Bailey" I say again.

I walk to the bathroom and don't see him.

Ring Ring

I look down at my phone and see 'Arin' floating on my screen.

"Arin I can't talk right now. I'm currently busy" I say.

"Rilen don't go back to your dorm." He demands.

"You are alittle late" I say. "Why"?

"Uh I gotta tell you something" he says.

"What is that May I ask" I ask walking over and grabbing a chip and stuff it in my mouth.


I walk over to Baileys bed and see something on his bed.

I scan over the letter and start to lose my balance.

I then fall to my knees.

"Baileys gone."

The air clears.

-OH MY GOSH!! The next chapter is the last chapter. Are you ready for this? You know what? I'm just gonna go ahead and post the last chapter TODAY! 🖤😂

-Don't forget to go follow my Instagram and Twitter; @Damainmaddie 

-Also go and subscribe to my new YouTube channel! Here is the link

I- love you guys bunches!

-I will update the last chapter soon.

-Maddddiee out!✌️😋

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