Chapter 2 - Beyond Belief

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Chapter 2 - Beyond Belief 

            Ford Jones caught the football and dashed down the field. The weather had dropped suddenly, but the P.E. teacher decided it would be a good idea to have them play flag football. A leaner, thinner, jock the quarterback of Middleton High School dashed down the field – Levi. Finally catching up to Ford, Levi tried to tackle him but missed falling into the dirt.

            Smack, the football hit the ground getting a touchdown for Ford’s team. Just as it touched, Ford’s eye caught a white speck hit the ground next to it. He tilted his head and looked up. It was snowing, thousands upon thousands of little flurries.

            “Pack em’ up.” The P.E. teacher shouted.

            Ford picked up some of the small orange cones and started to walk into to the locker room feeling confident in himself, he had gotten a touchdown. Ford had been running faster and had quicker reflexes then before. Not to mention that he felt stronger.

            “Hey Ford,” A football jock shouted and landed a punch on the teen sending him to the ground. Two other football jocks that were in Ford’s P.E. class started to kick him.

            Kicking out, Ford hit one of the jocks in the shin and knocked him to the ground. Rolling out of the way of another kick, Ford stood up just in time to be hit by the jock again. He swung out and a gust of wind blew the Jock down on his back. His hand tingled, sure it was wind, but it felt like he moved it or made it happen. Looking at his fingers and his hand he felt another punch to his cheek and fell in the dirt. A sharp kick to his side knocked the wind out of him.

            Lying there on the ground, Ford watching the jocks walk away. Ford spit out some blood and got up. “You okay?” A familiar voice asked.

            “Yeah I’m,” Ford turned to see Levi walking towards him. “Why do you care?”

            “You were good out there.” Levi motioned towards the field. Flakes of snow fell into his hair but it didn’t seem to bother the tall teen.

            “Playing well gives me a get out of free card?” Ford’s mouth dropped in disbelief.  “The logic of the jocks. Love it.” Ford moved into the locker room. He couldn’t help but wonder: did muscle really define social groups?


            Ford’s favorite subject: World History. He trotted into the class still on cloud 9. Sitting down in a front desk next to Audrey, Ford kept his eyes on Mr. Gavin Lenoir. He was a gorgeous man jet-black hair and puppy dog eyes.

            “Today we are going to have a small pop quiz.” Mr. Lenoir pulled out a bible-sized stack of papers and started to pass them out to the class.

            Frantic Ford turned to Audrey who shrugged her shoulders and pulled out a pen. The person in front of Ford handed him the quizzes. “Why does it feel so heavy?” Taking one off the top and passing it back behind him, Ford hadn’t been reading – Harry Potter Books, yes but not his history book. At that point Ford realized that he did not have a pen. “Umm, Audrey,” Ford started but Audrey was one step ahead of him and handed him a pen.  “Thanks,”

            “Quiet class, no talking during the test,” Mr. Lenoir said sternly staring directly at Ford who caught his glance. “That means you too Ford.”

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