Chapter 29 - "Aims, I'll take your company in whatever form I can have it."

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"Charlie?" Amelia called out, as she pulled her key from the lock and shut the door.

The apartment was eerily quiet and a suitcase sat right behind the couch, looking like a lost child. Charlie appeared a second later from his room.

"Aims. How did the meeting with Danny and his band go?"   

"Good. We got a rough version of the set list decided on and we are going to play through it tomorrow and see how we like it. How soon do you leave for D.C.?"

"Nat should be here any second."

"I'm going to miss you." Amelia said, hugging him.

"I don't have to go. I can stay."

"No, you're going and that's not an option. I'll be fine. My weeks so crazy with rehearsals and signing Danny's contract. I probably won't miss you. I was just saying that to make you feel wanted."   

Charlie hit the back of her head, making her laugh. There came a knock on the door and Amelia went to open it, greeting Natalie.

"Is that brother of your's ready?" Natalie asked.

Charlie had ducked into the bathroom checking his reflection.

"Yeah," Amelia said. "He'll be out in a minute. You'll make sure he stays out of trouble, won't you? Or at least get him into trouble that he can talk himself out of."

"I can't make any promises, but I'll try."

Charlie picked up his suitcase, joining them by the door. Amelia hugged him tightly, holding on for a few seconds longer.

"Be safe," she whispered.

"I promise. Don't get into any trouble until I get back."

"I promise. As long as you keep the same promise."

He nodded and kissed the top of her head. "I love you Aims."

"I love you too Charlie."

As Charlie pulled away, Amelia's gaze shifted to Natalie, and saw her eyes filling with a new kind of light as she witnessed the exchange.

"You ready?" Charlie asked, meeting Natalie's look.

"Let's go."

Waving goodbye, they left; the apartment falling into a heavy silence as the door shut behind them.


Amelia watched as an intense car chase ensued on her computer screen, the loud roaring of the engines and the sirens blearing pushing away the silence of Charlie's absence. Her phone buzzed and she answered.   

"Amy, are you okay? Where are you? You sound like you're at a street race," Will said.

Amelia leaned forward and pressed pause on the movie.

"Sorry about that. What's up?"

"My dear Amy, are you street racing again. We've talked about this, there's better and safer ways of making money. Thievery I hear is a good, stable career. Plus you get to wear all black and who doesn't look good in that," Will said, his tone playful.

"Very true. But like Charlie, I also don't look good in orange. So might as well not risk it and stick with being a drummer."

"Probably best."

"So why'd you call? Already thinking of murdering Poppy and want my opinion on the matter? All I can say is make sure to do it well, cause I'm not breaking you out of prison."

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