Chapter 4

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I get out my car, and immerse myself into the pouring rain and dark atmosphere of the morning that I've had to get used to growing up here

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I get out my car, and immerse myself into the pouring rain and dark atmosphere of the morning that I've had to get used to growing up here. I run in whilst holding my bag above my head as to not ruin my hair, as soon as I get in I go to my locker to get what I need for the day.

Classes as usual are boring but I have actually been assigned a science project with a partner, and my partner is Gage, a total douche, great. As soon as the bell goes for lunch I slowly pack up my stuff to avoid being trampled on or squished by the stampede of people rushing out of the class. In most of my classes none of my friends are there which is kinda helpful as I can actually do work and be a real nerd without people like Piper teasing me for liking math and learning. I pack up my things and head out of class I hear some wolf whistles across the hall, I look over and see it's the popular guys. I ignore the way that their leader, Gage Costello, is looking at me up and down and licking his lips like I'm some piece of meat, I turn around not wanting to be eyeballed by them. After a few steps I am suddenly stopped by an arm locking around my waist and the smell of too much cologne is enough to make me gag, I try to get away but the person won't let me. "Why are you trying to get away, sexy?" I hear Gage's voice say in my ear as he nibbles my ear lobe like a weirdo, I pull my head away as he turns us around to face the crowd of his smirking friends "Get off of me" I say digging my nails into his arm "Come on why don't we have a little bit of fun" he says kissing my cheek "No, leave me alone you creep!" I say. "Mr Costello" I hear someone say and footsteps as they get closer and then I am greeted with my Biology teacher, Mr Jones "What are you doing to Miss Olsson?" he asks narrowing his eyes at him, "We are just having some fun aren't we Sophie?" he asks me trying to kiss me again but I lean away "No," I say disgusted. "Let go of her now, or you will go see the Principal and have three weeks detention, Costello" he says, Gage lets go and I walk over by Mr Jones "Get lost or you all get detentions" he says to the guys they leave but Gage turns around winking at me making me want to vomit. Mr Jones turns back to me "Are you alright?" he asks "Yeah, thanks for that" I say, he nods "If there are any other issues just tell me" he says walking back to his classroom "Wait, sir! Could you get me a new partner for the project?" I plead him "I'm sorry, I can't. But it's only for a week I think you'll survive" he jokes leaving me in disappointment.

Next day

I walk out of the library after I had used most of my free period planning mine and Gage's project, I have decided that I'm going to do all of it so I don't have to see him. I have chosen our topic of Combustion from the carbon cycle and I'm going to make a display, which should be pretty easy. I check my phone and see that I have texts from all the girls wondering where I am as it's lunch, I quicken my pace and as I get into the cafeteria I run over to our table and put all my stuff on the table, "Sorry, I'm late I was studying" I say making Piper roll her eyes at me "Shut up Piper" I say "I didn't say anything!" she exclaims "You didn't have to," I say "Come on get lunch with me" Gabi says pulling me up, I grab my purse as we go to the line and start chatting.

"Where's Riley?" I ask as I finish off my milkshake, "Probably with Nate" Mia says "Cassie?" I ask "She went with Riley to get something from her class" Piper says "What were you studying for?" Gabi asks "A biology project" I say "Hah! Our class never does projects!" Piper snorts I roll my eyes at her childishness "Guess who my partner is?" I ask them. "Is it Jodie?" Mia asks "Who's that?" I ask "She is the nicest person ever she has bright blue hair and she always gives me Hershey's in Social Studies" Mia says "Ignore her, who is it?" Piper says "Gage" I say "Costello?" Gabi asks, I nod. "Poor you" Mia says giving me a side hug "He's a total asshole" Piper says "I know and I have to work with him" I whine "Here have some candy to cheer you up" Gabi says handing me a Skittle "Have some M&M's" Piper says handing me a very light feeling packet. I peer in and they're all gone "You ate them all you pig!" I tease her making her laugh "Really? I didn't realise" she says grinning, I sigh and roll my eyes before standing up. "Don't leave because Piper's being a bitch" Mia whines "Hey! I am not a bitch!" she shouts then bursts out laughing "Okay maybe I am" she says "I'm just putting this in the trash" I say leaving my crazy friends. As I'm walking to the trash can which is annoyingly on the other side of the cafeteria, I see Cassie walking in and she's talking to Riley who is holding hands with Nate and the other guys are behind them. Cassie waves to me I wave back and am about to go over when I'm pulled onto someone's lap "Hey sexy" Gage says turning me to face him "Get off Gage" I say trying to push him away but he smashes his lips onto mine. I try to get away from him but I'm trapped between him and the table, I bring my hands to his hair pulling it back so he stops, and in seconds I'm lifted off of him and he's on the table as Jason grabs him by his collar and says something to him, Gage just laughs then Jason punches him in the face a couple times. I have a flashback of when Jason beat up Alex and I didn't want to see that again, so I quickly grab onto his clenched fist and pull him away "Let's go" I say rushing out with Jason.

Jason pulls me into his chest "Where are you going?" he says quietly, as I realise I had been dragging him all over the school as I wanted to get as far away from Gage as possible. I don't reply, only wrap my arms around Jason feeling so comfortable and it just feels right as tingles shoot through me from his touch. I pull away, realising what I was doing and I look down at my suddenly interesting shoes feeling awkward. "You didn't have to do that" I say looking up at Jason seeing his slightly irritated expression stare at me, "Do what?" he asks "You know, punch Gage I could've handled it" I say, but even I know that's a lie. The corners of his mouth turn slightly up almost into a smile but it soon disappears as quick as it appeared. "Sure" he says, "Why do you keep on doing that, beating up those guys, first Alex now Gage. Why?" I ask, he sighs and runs his hand through his hair, I gasp and get his huge hand and cupping it with both of my tiny looking hands. I brush my fingers over the slight bruising and redness on his knuckles "Is this from punching Gage?" I ask looking up at his mesmerizing emerald eyes. He shrugs, I look back down at his hand "You didn't answer my first question, why do you do it?" I ask him keeping my gaze on his knuckles which looked like they were already healing "Because you're mine" he says, making me glance back to him "What?" I ask taking my hands away from his, and steeping back, he looks at me his eyes slightly darkening, annoyance clear on his face and he steps towards me "You're mine. So no male should touch you" he growls making me gulp and just stare at him not sure of what to do or say, as my fear of Jason comes back.

He grabs my hand roughly dragging me out of the building as he walks and I have to run to keep up with his pace "Where are we going?" I ask, he doesn't reply. He brings me to what I assume is and he opens the passenger door for me, I get in and Jason goes around and sits next to me and drives.

After a few minutes of silence I reach over to turn on the radio to fill the quietness, but as my hand gets a couple inches from it Jason grabs my hand making tingles spark throughout my hand and up my arm. "Don't" he says not taking his eyes off of the road, I sigh and take my hand back and look out at the passing road.

"Why are we not at school?" I ask Jason as he walks up the drive to his house, he doesn't even look back at me just carries on walking "Fine, I'm leaving" I say stepping away. That gets his attention as he is suddenly in front of me gripping onto my waist "Where are you going?" he asks sounding angry and annoyed "School," I say simply "School?" he asks "Yes, we still have lessons and I go to school for a reason, for an education and that is important to me therefore, I am leaving because I have no idea why you brought me here." I say "You're not leaving" he warns, his once bright green eyes slowly darkening "I don't want to be here, so I. Am. Leaving." I say failing at taking his hands off of me "Why are you so annoying?" he asks closing his eyes in frustration "If I annoy you so much than I'll leave. See, I'm doing both of us a favour. Now, you can do whatever you want without me irritating you. Goodbye" I say he lets go of me and I start walking down the drive, I hear a growl behind me but I carry on knowing it's Jason and not wanting to interact with him in one of his angry moments. Only a few metres down their long pathway from their house to the gates, I feel water drop onto my nose and then my forehead, then everywhere as the rain starts hammering it down. "Great" I mutter, knowing that I have at least a half an hour walk back to school for cheerleading and maybe lessons if I make it in time, and if I get there I will be absolutely drenched "Stupid Jason".

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