1. In the middle of nowhere.

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I've been driving for ages now. Two days to be exact, stopping only to bye some gas and food. Although food isn't something I'm very friendly with right now. Plain crackers and water seems to be the only thing I can stomach now, thanks to the morning sickness that chose to stick with me throughout the whole day. And since my life savings are not that impressive, I decided to not spend money on hotels - sleeping in my car isn't that bad, I'd rather spend more time running as far as I can from the hell that used to be my home. That life was over. There's nothing left for me to do, everyone hates me, because apparently I was a sinner and went against god. And even more - I dared to accuse the son of the towns mayor and 2 of his buddies in something horrible. The sweet and wonderful Conner Mathews was not capable of rape, so there's no need to check if I might be right. Yep, no rape kits were used on me, because I'm a liar. And my injuries? That surely was a wild animal attack. As if bears know how to use knifes. I guess living in such a small town as mine makes people scared to shit of the authorities and can easily cloud their judgement. 

Honestly? I don't give two shits any more. I have hit the dead end and I have no family and friends left, they chose him. So now I'll have to start from scratch. 

"I'll be ok. I'll be ok. I'll be ok", I hum on repeat. 

How did I end up like this? I thought I was a good person - being 22 and ready to become a vet in a couple of months, all the exams were passed, I was a straight A student, all that was left was some paperwork. I already had a job in a vet clinic, but as soon as a graduated I would become a real doc. I was kind, humble, bubbly, I had a lot of friends, even some boys found me attractive, but since I was a good Christian girl, I was waiting for the one. I was supposed to wait until marriage, then have a couple of children and get old with my husband and maybe a couple of dogs, raising grand kids and taking them to church every Sunday. Now I'm far from being pure, not as beautiful, limping and pregnant. No degree as well, and we all know what a pregnant and uneducated woman can achieve nowadays. I guess I'll be working in a diner or something. Well, as long as I don't have to see that shitface and his friends every day (more like "pleasegodnever"), provide food and decent clothing to my child and a roof over our heads, I can learn to be happy.  

The radio was playing some country tune, the day was slowly dying, according to the map I bought at some gas station, the nearest town was just a few miles away, I decided I have earned the right for a decent warm meal. I could only hope that my stomach could handle it. And also I was becoming tired of driving. Two straight days almost non-stop on the road can drive you insane. My back was killing me, my eyes were red and puffy with bags under them, my lips were dry, hands were shaking. I was exhausted and on the edge. And I was still wearing the same clothes from when I left. I desperately needed to shower and change. I guess it's a good thing that I haven't seen myself in a full length mirror, because I could imagine how I looked like - probably like a hobo, but what did you expect? Two days in a car driving and crying won't do any good to anyone. Some fifteen minutes later I entered the town. It was almost dark, but I could still admire the beauty of it - it looked as if time froze some 20 years ago - small and cozy buildings, a lot of flowers, grass and trees, people slowly going home, teens drinking shakes on the benches and laughing, it looked peaceful. I kinda feel ashamed now to intrude their perfect life's with my drama, I would definitely stand out and draw attention. But I decided to put that aside. I needed rest. I needed a reboot. I needed a distraction.  

Soon enough I have spotted a diner. It looked old, as everything in this town, but clean and cozy, also not very crowded, which suits me good. I parked right in front of the entrance, grabbed my backpack, threw in a tooth brush, a comb, my wallet and a map and went in.

I guess "don't draw attention" plan didn't really work out very well, because as soon as I entered the diner, everything went quiet. I can imagine why though - a pale girl with a cane, probably stinking and with greasy hair... I took a deep breath and limped to the nearest booth. The sound of my cane hitting the tiled floor and my shallow nervous breathing was the only two things heard in the diner. I dropped my backpack on the floor, leaned my cane to the table and placed my hands on the clean surface patiently waiting for the waitress to approach me. Soon enough the chatter around me resumed and a woman in her mid forties decided to talk to me.

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