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****Aaron's POV****

I stood outside Caroline's house, waiting for her to come outside. She had messaged me the place that VanAssche had selected for us to meet in the morning. It was one of the most luxurious hotels in the countryside. The place was owned by a rival firm and I knew VanAssche had selected that particular hotel only to irk me.

If only that man wasn't my Caroline's cousin, I would've shown him his real place.

Yesterday, when he had called me to threaten me to stay away from Caroline, claiming to be her boyfriend, I had lost my mind. The rage I had experienced in the moments leading to the claim was something I could not put into words. Though I was sure he was lying. Caroline would never do that to me. She was far too sweet to even think of playing games with people. But that VanAssche guy had surely dug his grave with that sentence.

If only I had decided to not call Caroline and get confirmation from her, I would have been accused of murder by now.

I looked at my wristwatch and sighed. It's been three whole minutes since I have been standing outside her house and she still hadn't shown up. I mentally patted myself for having such patience.

There was just something about her that compelled me to do things that I never thought about doing in my life.

Waiting for someone when all my life people had been adjusting their schedules to meet mine, was the first.

Agreeing to meet VanAssche at a rival hotel, was another.

I sighed as I slipped my hand into my coat pocket to pull out my phone. Though I had convinced Caroline that I was going to pick her up from her place instead of meeting her at the venue, I didn't want to step inside that house.

No meeting all assholes in a single day.

I was about to tap her name on the screen to call her when I saw someone walking towards me: Lahaina Marshall. I sighed.

"Mr Woodwords," she exclaimed, pretending to be surprised. She waved at me as she walked with hurried steps.

"Where's Caroline?" I asked, looking behind her at the entrance that gave no indication of Caroline being close.

Lahaina's smile dropped when she heard Caroline's name. What else did she expect? Why else would I be at this Goddamn place if it wasn't for my fiance?

"I still don't understand what you see in her," Lahaina said. "She's plain, boring, uninteresting, gullible, stupid, looks like a frog. I can go on but you already know that. Then there is me. I can't believe I'm comparing myself to her but seriously give me a chance, Aaron. I'll show you I'm much better. I'll show you-"

"Don't." I snapped when she forwarded her hand to touch me. She was startled by my voice. Her eyes widened and she looked at me as if I had lost my mind—which I would if she didn't leave from here quicker.

"Come on Lahaina, don't tell me you're short of men coming after you. This world is full of idiots, isn't there any rich man who is offering you his wealth? No one? What's happening to the world? How come everyone has brains all of a sudden?" I said with a fake laugh in the end.

The words had no effect on her. I wasn't surprised.

"I have. A lot of them. But they are not the ones I want. It's you who I want," she cooed, batting her eyelashes and taking a step closer.

"I'm flattered," I rolled my eyes.

"Think about it, Aaron. I'm giving you a second chance. You'll regret choosing her over me," Lahaina claimed.

She really doesn't know how to take hints, does she?

"Talking of regret, Lahaina. I'll make sure you'll regret every decision you've made in your life till now and even the ones you'll be making in the future if you don't leave from here."

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