Chapter 44

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Peter Hale, her first ex-mate, repeated in disbelieve, "Alpha Warzone?"

Britney, Ruby's bully, screeched, "This piece of trash is Alpha? It can't."

Isaac and Dylan started to growl at her, which Peter protect Britney. But what Peter didn't seem to faze her much. Ruby responded with venom, "What you think is irrelevant to me."

Britney shouted, "You dare to disrespect me? The Luna of this pack?"

Ruby said with a smirk, "You mean a fake Luna? My replacement?"

Everyone seemed to go even more quiet, leaving the wind gush with some force. Isaac asked, "Alpha, where are we?"

Ruby responded while looking at Peter, "Meet my old pack and my ex-mate. Aren't they just desperate?"

Britney started, "You are stupid and tr--"

Ruby sneered and looked straight to Peter and asked, "Is she really a werewolf or a banshee? Always screaming as someone has died."

Ruby could see a small twig on Peter's face but he recuperated quickly into a thin line. He had a frown on his face, but it only seemed to irritate Ruby. She looked back at Britney who continued, "I am not a banshee. You are trash and--"

Peter shouted, "Enough." He looked at Ruby and asked, "Where have you been?"

Ruby laughed, "I have been happy. Pity, it seems that you all went to a gutter. Glad I got out, while I could."

Dylan smirked and said, "Thank you for rejecting our Alpha. She has found her real family."

Peter shouted once again, "Her family is here. She is mine."

Ruby made tsk sound and said, "Was, Alpha Hale."

She held her left hand up and showed with her ring, while grinning and said, "I have someone waiting back home."

Britney said, "Like you found someone. Look at you."

Ruby smiled, "I do every day. However, did you look at the mirror? It so eww, like the girl you need to have a nose job and probably Botox."

Ruby knew just knew the right things to say to drop Britney down and appeared to be working. But as soon as she saw Ruby smirking, she tried to hit but Dylan came in front and sent her flying to the tree.

Isaac came forward and said, "Let's make something clear, we are rogues. We kill for a living and this pack can't touch ours because of one we are murderers and two we were sent by the Queen. So you need to show some respect Alpha."

Ruby intervened, "Correction, us. They need to know that they need to respect us three."

Peter said, "I believe you two are killers but my Ruby isn't."

Ruby laughed darkly, "Oh... So naïve to think that I didn't kill anyone."

Peter asked in disbelieve, "You killed?"

Ruby wiped her fake tears and continued, "I must say killing is like being high. At least I know, why you all beaten me till I blacked out. The high is too strong. Pity I can't apply the same rules on you all. However, we rogue live by a code."

Peter flinched when Ruby said about the beatings but continued quiet and others too. They were all speechless and scared of what Ruby could do. Yet, they didn't see anything that remotely shouted monster.

Peter shook his head and said, "It is not possible that you are like them."

Ruby ignored his remark and demanded, "I want to see where the rogue attacked."

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