/18/ I Started with Nothing and I Still Have Most of It

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On our way back from competition, I dozed off on Skylar's shoulder, unaware of the impact that my dream would last with me.

"Choose," both King and Connor said once I stepped off the bus. I breathed heavily but apparently that took too long and then they both split apart, thinking that I chose neither of them. I was flashed into a view of Connor. He was typing on his phone and I stood over his shoulder reading the drafts. He was trying to win me back. I sighed at his chivalry. Then I was flashed into King's room.

I saw him sit completely still as I faced him, but it's as if he could see right through me. He was thinking or maybe re-thinking. But then he stood up and walked to his bag—a familiar bag. It was the bag that would always be packed with clothes, money, and necessities for if he even ran away. All of us foster kids had them. I thought he'd pick it up and leave but instead, he lifted it to the bed and pulled out a nice wallet. He opened it and pulled out a picture. My invisible self walked around and saw the picture: it was of me and him when he taught me how to skate board. He was in front of me, holding my hands as I was on the board with both feet. This was before he hopped on the board behind me and held me by my waist to balance and push us both. We were actually good friends back then. I sighed about it, even though I didn't know who took the picture—probably our foster sibling who had a knack for photography at the time. Nonetheless, he balled the photo up in his fist—obvious that it had been done before judging by the wrinkles—and threw it onto his bed. He stood up, taking the knife out of his pocket and without hesitation, I shut my eyes when I knew what he was about to do. Only, he threw it across the room, signifying to me that he wasn't about to cut himself to feel something from the numbness because he was feeling something enough that a mutilation wouldn't be significant.

I woke up right when we stopped at the gymnasium and the coaches gave out more recognition. Most of them being mine, considering I had won overall second place—making my only competition Tatiana Reign.

"Welcome back," Nikko said, taking me into a hug once I got off the bus. I pulled away and then he picked up one of my bags. "Congratulations on bars and beam."

I got first place for both of those individually.

"Thanks..." I whispered as I climbed into the car. Then I stopped. "We're not gonna go out to some fancy restaurant with the guys, right?"

"No, but if you want—"

"I don't," I interrupted.

"Alright," he smiled. "But Grandma wants to."

"Seriously?" I groaned. He shrugged.

"It's not so bad," he said.


All our grandma did was congratulate me as if she was proud during dinner. It was weird and awkward nonetheless. I fell asleep on the way home, seeing as I still didn't get the chance to rest. However, even through my fatigue, I found myself wanting to get home and tell King about all that I had accomplished—even if he would roll his eyes the whole time. But when I got there, everyone but him waited in the living room.

After unpacking my bag, I walked into King's room. I found no King or any of his stuff. I stomped into the living room and found Nikko standing there with Connor, Landen, and Danny. But I only went to Nikko. The calmness from my tiredness was gone and something shot through me as energy.

"Where is he?" I hissed. He didn't answer, so I pushed him. "Where is he?"

"AJ!" Danny yelled before pulling me back by my waist.

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