{Chapter 4}

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My Possessive Vampire Boss

_Chapter 4_

"I needed to see you. I've missed you" He tells me. He stumbles a little and has a hard time to stand up. I help him stand and get him inside my apartment. There is no way that I'm sending him home like this, he isn't in his right mind right now, and he needs help. "Mr. White, sit here and I will be back soon" I tell him. I'm not sure he is listening or not. I go to the kitchen and get a glass of water for him, he looks like he needs it. But, to have him like this is strange for me. I have never had alcohol, I don't even know how it looks like.

When I come back from the kitchen holding the glass of water for him, he is fast asleep on my couch. His loud snoring tells me everything I need to know. I set the glass down onto the table near the couch. Picking up a white knitted blanket I put it over him, so he won't get cold, it is autumn after all and the winter is right around the corner.

I think he will be all right sleeping here. But, just to be safe I think I would write him a note. Since he might wake up and be confused. I don't want that to happen, he might think I've kidnapped him or something. I walk quietly around my apartment looking for paper and a pen, so I won't wake him up. Once I've found the paper and pen I start writing.

Dear Mr White,
If you wake up and are wondering where you are and what you are doing here then fear not. You're in my apartment and you walked here by yourself. I don't know why, maybe you will have some answers when we awake tomorrow.
Love, Emma Rose Summers

Now I can finally go to be after a long time. I can't shake the strange feeling in me that it's weird to have someone else sleep in my apartment, other than Maria that is. Oh, enough about this, it has been a long day and evening for me and Liam White. Besides, I'm exhausted and all I want to do is go to sleep and wake up fresh in the morning. I lay down on my bed and hopefully my doorbell won't ring against this time. Closing my eyes the darkness takes over me.

 Closing my eyes the darkness takes over me

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I wake up with a smile on my face. Getting out of bed thinking I'm going to take a shower but then memories from last night flash through my mind. I can't take a shower now, it wouldn't be appropriate now that I have a guest. I'm not really used to having guests, unless Maria counts. I walk out of my bedroom and glance at the couch where he is sleeping, and I notice that he isn't there. He must be awake. Then a delicious smell fills up my nose. He's cooking. I walk into the kitchen, he stands there holding a dish near the stove. "Morning" He says happily. "Morning. Mr. White" I greet him as I sit down by the dining table.

"There is no need for the formalities here. Call me Liam, after all we aren't at work, Emma. I hope you don't mind, I'm cooking breakfast for us" He tells me and puts an egg on the dish he is holding on and sets it down in front of me on the dining table. He repeats the action but this time he takes the dish and sits down in front of me. We begin eating, and while we eat this uncomfortable silence falls on us. I don't like it.

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