Chapter Nine

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"My painting looks like a horse on wheels," Poppy concurs, tilting her head to the side as she examined her canvas with a frown. "How was that supposed to be a mountain?"

I giggled, peeking at her canvas, intent on telling her it wasn't that bad, but when I saw it, I couldn't help but laugh harder. I mean, how hard is it to draw a decent mountain? It's just a triangle with snow caps on the tip. Somehow, though, Poppy did manage to make her image resemble horse on wheels more than a mountain.

"Oh shut up," Poppy huffs at me, but I can see her smile. "I bet yours isn't that great."

I glance at my own canvas, which by far looks like more of a mountain than hers, and she leans over to take a look herself. Immediately, she frowns, a deep crease setting in her brow as she stares at my painting with her mouth ajar.

"How come you're good at everything?" Poppy whines.

I roll my eyes. "I'm not good at everything."

She gives me a look. "Are you kidding? You're a piano prodigy, you get stellar grades, and now you're a painter!"

On the word "painter", she points her paint brush at my canvas, but there was still paint at the tip of her brush, making blue paint splatter across my canvas. We both stare at each other silently for a moment before I decide to retaliate. I dip my own brush in paint and fling it on her canvas, but some of it misses and lands on her old t-shirt instead.

I cover my mouth with my hand, my eyes growing wide, as I try to conceal my laughter. Poppy looks absolutely stunned by the flecks of red paint currently dripping down her left cheek and down the bridge of her nose. Unfortunately, her expression just makes me laugh harder. While I'm in my laughing fit, I feel something wet come in contact with my forehead.

Now it's Poppy's turn to laugh uncontrollably as paint drips down my forehead. Instead of getting mad, I grin evilly, and dip my hand into the paint before smearing it across her cheek. She laughs, too, and before she can retaliate, I run out of the arts building laughing, a bottle of red paint in my hand as a weapon.

"Mina!" Poppy shouts, her laughter following me as I run behind a tree, taking cover. "Get back here!"

She squirts her bottle of blue paint at the tree I'm hiding behind, and some of it gets on my hands. I lean away from the tree and run up to her, getting a big glob of red paint on her leg. Before I can run away, she sprays my shirt with blue, and I end up just standing there spraying her back with red.

"Well, this is new," A familiar voice muses a few feet away.

I turn and see Carter smirking at us, both covered head to toe in paint, with amusement clear in his expression. A plan forms in my head almost immediately, and I check to see he's wearing a plain old t-shirt and shorts- nothing expensive or irreplaceable- before an evil grin stretches across my lips.

"Hey Carter," I say in a sing song voice, taking a step towards him.

He narrows his eyes at me immediately. "Amelia, don't."

I take another step, blinking innocently, and ask sweetly, "Don't what?"

"I know what you're doing," Carter warns in a low voice as I near closer to him, now just an arms length away. "And if you do, I swear-"

He stops speaking when I lift my bottle of red paint and squirt it towards him, effectively getting a hefty glob of paint on his cheek and neck. His eyes widen and he stares at me, too stunned to move, while I get lost in my laughter, unable to contain myself. Unfortunately, I'm too busy laughing to realize he's snapped out of his daze, and he reaches forward to snatch the bottle out of my hands.

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