Chapter 30: The Rugby Match

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Noor's new position at the auction house ended up being a blessing in disguise and not just because it gave the young women closer access to the Wescotts. Helping Noor with provenance research and valuation also kept Reine blissfully occupied.

For the next few weeks, all her attention was focused on identifying the prior owners of a tenth-century ceramic bowl instead of her drama-filled reality. Working together on a topic they were both so passionate about also strengthened their bond. When word finally came from Max about a perfect opportunity to make a move, Reine didn't even consider excluding her friend.

"How come we've never done this before?" Noor asked without taking her eyes off the gaggle of players on the rugby pitch. The men - separated into jerseys of either green or white - huddled in a tight formation with their arms entwined around each other's shoulders. Amidst pushing and shoving, one group eventually managed to throw itself on the contested ball.

Reine took a sip of her icy lemonade and set it on the small, round table. Somehow, the Order had gotten permission to turn this otherwise plain, grassy patch of Hyde Park into a temporary playing field. The spectators - all on a strictly controlled guest-list - even got to enjoy a catered brunch while watching the game. Leaning back in her chair, she had a perfect view from the sidelines.

"For starters, we haven't been invited until today. Plus, this may be the first time we know someone who's playing," she said, looking at the two men high-fiving each other a few hundred feet away.

She hadn't seen Gabe for weeks, not since that brief glimpse of him at the racetrack. He now appeared to be his usual, carefree self, laughing and goofing around. It probably helped that Mal - who'd Wescott brought to London to assist with his friend's integration - was now at his side.

The next play started, and Noor's fiancée got control of the ball. Running up the field while dodging the opposing team, he was unable to offload the oval ball before being tackled. Noor cringed at the harsh impact, and the referee also noticed an impropriety. Calling a penalty on the defense, he awarded Mal with a chance to restart with a kick.

The players took their time setting up, anticipating being close enough for a goal and allowing Mal to mentally prepare. A few of his teammates patted him on the back in a show of encouragement, while Gabe privately said something in his ear.

The act reminded Reine of when she'd whispered good-bye to Gabe as he slept in the hospital. She sighed. It was the last time she was so close to him. It was the last time she saw him as a mortal.

Done with his pep talk, Gabe jogged across the grass. His white uniform made his tan more prominent, and with his sun-streaked hair, he was easy to spot from afar. As Reine watched him move across the field, her gaze fell on people on the other side of the pitch.

Max was there among a sea of unfamiliar faces. Reine hadn't seen or spoken to him since he was supposed to meet with the Council, but given his presence, they must have agreed to his new plan. Although he was standing next to Morgan, his attention wasn't on his companion or the game. Instead, he was unabashedly watching Reine. Flustered by unexpectedly meeting his eyes, she picked up her glass again. "I'm not sure it was a good idea for me to have come," she said before taking a sip.

Noor laughed. "Are you kidding? And miss all this eye candy? Don't be a hypocrite, Rennie."

"What?" She almost choked on the lemonade.

Noor leaned closer. "Don't even try to deny it, sweetie. I saw those looks."

"Oh, please." Reine frowned. It didn't matter who Noor was alluding to. They were both equally impossible options. "He doesn't remember me, and he's the reason why." She took turns nodding toward each of her former lovers.

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