Chapter Nineteen -

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Chapter Nineteen –

Dress shopping was probably the worst thing that was ever assigned to the job description of being a girl. Especially when it’s with your psychotic best friend who refuses to let you see the dress that you’re going to be wearing.

“Ames, I didn’t come all the way down here just to watch you glare at your laptop. Let me see!” I exclaimed, growing more and more nervous by the second.

“I’ve already bought it so it can come in time, so you can’t say anything! I actually love it, wow!” Amy grinned to herself, making me laugh.

“May I see it your royal highness?” I asked sarcastically, smirking slightly.

Amy rolled her eyes before passing the laptop over to me. “You’re such a dork. I can’t believe Adrian didn’t let me come over, that’s so unfair! I mean, I know you don’t have a lot of friends, but does he have to reject my amazingness?” Amy exclaimed in disbelief.

“Shut up! And he’s very strict of the whole ‘no human being apart from you and Maria are allowed in my apartment’ thing. Hey, he did offer us a vacant room in the hotel; you just rejected it! Plus, I’m pretty sure that if you were in the same room as him, all you’d be doing is ogling at him like the creep you are.” I grinned, before using the laptop as a defence mechanism against her violent act.

“It’s not my fault he’s hot.” She scowled. I laughed and shook my head before focusing my attention on the screen in front of me – and almost chocked on my own saliva.

Amy noticed the barely audible sound and gave me a look of disbelief. “What the hell?! Don’t you dare complain to me you stupid cow, it’s not tight or revealing and it’s long as fuck! Listen up you little-”

“It’s perfect.” I murmured, cutting off her insult; and it was. For the first time, I actually liked a dress.

“What?” Amy asked, giving a look of confusion. “Wait, wait. Are you sure you’re looking at the right thing? You’re looking at a dress right? And you know it’s a dress?” She asked cautiously, still looking at me in confusion.

I looked away from the blood red garment with a wide grin on my face. “Yes, I know it’s a dress. It’s amazing. I absolutely love it…” I trailed off, looking back at the laptop screen.

Amy suddenly squealed beside me, making me snap out of the haze I was in. “You’re becoming a girl! Finally! I thought you were going to go through menopause before this moment would come!” Amy squealed again, before I felt myself being pulled into a suffocating hug.

I laughed into her shoulder and hugged her back. “Thank you so much Ames.”

“Do you know how you can thank me? Convince Adrian to let me into the apartment. It’s yours now too, you know.” She pointed out, before a wry smile made its way to her face. “I know exactly how you can convince him as well! It only needs a bed. That’s it. No clothing, no utensils – oh, unless you’re into that kind of stuff. Kinky-”

“AMY, SHUT UP!” I groaned loudly, flushing in mortification.

Amy erupted into a fit of giggles just as I threw a pillow in her direction, making the volume of her laughter increase dramatically.

“I’m leaving. I’ve already had enough of you and your insults to Chase Crawford and your sex comments that involve Adrian and me.” I glared in her direction, instantly making her sober up from her laughter.

“Are you sure you don’t want to use the sex comments in bed? It’s called dirty talk, maybe he’s into that kind of-” I ran out her apartment and slammed the door before she could finish her sentence, making her erupt into another fit of laughter before I made my way back home.

The Assistantजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें