CHAPTER FORTY-TWO - Win at all cost

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A/N: I'm writing this just in case so that you guys don't get confused: this is the previous chapter but from Stefan’s POV.


Stefan’s POV

I parked the car I’d rented and looked at the time on my phone.

Alex should be here soon. She’d probably bring that Tyson guy as well; I was sure he’d want to tag along.

Tyson Williams.

I’d heard of him back at home from people that worked at the Ring. I’d heard even more on him from Kent – another person I met because of the Ring. Once I found out the two of them hung together, I made Kent tell me everything he knew about the boy. His knowledge on the matter extended only to the boy’s fighting skills and him being good with vehicles as apparently Tyson wasn’t much of a sharer. The only things that Kent was aware of when it came to Tyson’s personal life were that one – his father was a notorious drunk, two – his only friend was a guy called Angel and three – the Williams boy worked at a service-station.

I snickered.

A service station!

How pathetic!

I got out of my car and into the storage.

I hope Alex brings him along, I thought. I’d love to crush him in front of her and show her how much better I am! And he thought he could take her away from me…

I frowned.

No one could take my Alex away from me!

We’ve known each other since we were kids, we’ve been through so much together… She was mine!

I remembered the first time we got separated for what was supposed to be almost a year.

Alex had just gotten arrested by that idiot cop Ivanov. Even though the charges were dropped, her parents still sent her away to study at St. Agnes Catholic Boarding High in England… Not that sixteen years old Alex was a catholic. I thought she’d stick around there as her best friend Payton also studied at that school. But no! A few months later Alex had gotten the boot and was on her way back to Bulgaria.

Although it had been less than half a year, I’d realized I desired her to be by my side. So I went to pick her up from the airport. A couple of the guys from my gang wanted to come with me, but I ordered them not to; I was going to have Alexandra all to myself.

A little after that we’d hooked up.

Some more time passed and we started dating.

At first it had been good: we knew each other well, neither of us was sentimental so we didn’t have those disgusting talks about feelings and the sex was great. But Alex just wouldn’t obey me. I realized she was strong-headed and independent, those were some of the things I liked most about her, but I couldn’t have my girl talk back to me in front of my gang. I had a reputation to protect and I needed my boys to look up to me.

Sooner than later, the short brunette had started messing with my business: she wanted me to quit, saying it was wrong and that I was well off in the first place and didn’t need the money. That was true, I admit it, but how was I to entertain myself if I wasn’t making deals and gambling?

And then she left me.

Just like that.

She’d walked in my room one day and simply announced that we were over and that she was coming to this shitty little town to start anew. She even had a car packed with her suitcases and waiting for her in the driveway of my house.

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