I seriously need a therapist (Chapter 31)

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Lol people, I have a long weekend :D So I've been reading alot and not uploading! Oops. haaha. So...I need to upload alot today so this will be short. So vote! please? Thank you guys for supporting me! Next Chapter= 10 votes? I feel bad for putting a limit but I feel that people are just not hiting that button!!!! Grrr..... So please! I'm like one of those annoying authors you love begging you to just VOTE XD Thanks, enjoy!

I know you guys are going to love this! PLEASE VOTE! I"M MAKING IT EXTRA EXTREMELY AWESOME!


I stepped backwards and knocked down the pile of cardboard boxes I'd been stacking up. The falling of the boxes created a loud thud which echoed in the empty warehouse. The thud picked up dust, and I coughed as it collected in my mouth. I sneezed once more and started coughing harder. Then I waved my hand in front of my face, and as the dust cleared I was shocked to find my dad two feet away from me. Scared, I fell backwards and landed painfully on the fallen boxes. My butt was going to have a bruise later today.

A sly grin slid onto his face. I suppressed a shiver. "Long time no see," he commented.

I stood up and brushed the dust off my jeans. I glared at him. "What do you want?"

"Ooh, feisty. I like the feisty ones," he smirked. My eyes bulged out of my head. What a disgusting pervert. I can't believe my mom actually married him. No. I can't believe my mom actually LOVED him at one point. It made me sick.

"If you don't mind, I'll think I'll be heading out."

He sighed. "Don't act like you hate me."

"I do hate you."

He laughed. "Don't be that way. I don't hate you. I've never forgotten about you. Not for my entire life."

I suppressed another shiver. This was not the time to show weakness. I was starting to feel trapped. Chase only knew I was in a warehouse and there were hundreds of warehouses in the city! He had no idea where I was! If anything happened to me....

No. I had to think positively. Nothing was going to happen to me.

I kept my eyes peeled for an exit.11111145 I would take any way to get out of this haunted building. Even climb out a broken window.

My father must have understood my wandering gaze. "Let's not have a repeat of last time, shall we? All I want is to finish what I started. There's no where for you to run so don't even think of a way to escape."

"Right, like that's going to happen."

And then I bolted for it. My father raced after me in pursuit. This warehouse was the perfect place to get lost in. This must of been some sort of weird of cardboard box factory because there were boxes EVERYWHERE. They formed some sort of a maze. Either that or my dad had been crazy enough to collect boxes and stash them here for a weird reason.

Either way, they were good and bad things. I could easily knock one of them down and then my dad would have to fight his way through the boxes, giving me extra time to run and hide. However, there were a lot of boxes already on the floor and I had to be careful where I was running otherwise I would fall and maybe die.

Just kidding. But it would be the opposite of helpful.

I needed help. There was no way I could get out of here alone. I'd soon discovered I had no time to climb up a window, much less stack boxes needed to get there. I would have probably fallen and broken an ankle anyways. The only way out of this horrible place was out the front door, which was locked. The only person who had the key would have to be my dad. How was I supposed to get the key?

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