Chapter Twenty One

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Madeline's Pov


I wake up feeling extremely cold, which is weird considering wolves generate body heat faster than humans meaning we usually aren't too cold. At least not this cold.

I look down only to see that I am in only a t-shirt with no blankets over me. No wonder I'm so fucking cold but may I be the first to ask why the actual fuck I'm in only a t-shirt which smells distinctly like Ashton?

Suddenly, almost like a tsunami would, all of yesterdays events come flying back at me.

The banging, the little girl, the fight, the mark...

My eyes practically bug out of my head at the memory that I let Ashton mark me last night and I'm only just now remembering.

I spring up off the bed and make it into the bathroom in under 2 seconds. I almost face plant the bathroom counter but I'm only focused on seeing my mark.

I pull my hair back and over my right shoulder so it won't be in the way of the view.

I gasp at the red rash type of thing where my mark should be on my left shoulder right where my neck meets my shoulder.

I softly run a finger over it and scream when it literally feels like fire is touching my skin wherever my finger touches the mark.

Ashton suddenly appears at the door with a worried look in his eyes, he seems to understand when he sees me looking at my mark.

"Its going to burn for a little while sweetheart." I smile at the name 'sweetheart' but then focus on what he said.

Burns? Why is it going to burn? 

"Why?" I voice my thoughts and turn to him so were not talking through the mirror.

"Because its my mark, only I can touch it without it hurting until its healed." As though to prove his point he reaches out and runs his finger over my mark, instantly making sparks erupt wherever his finger touches, its almost like what it feels like whenever we touch in general but 1- times better.

I accidentally let a soft moan out at the pleasure I feel with what he's doing and I watch as his eyes go a shade darker.

He moves his hand away, instantly causing a wave of disappointment to wash through me but its quickly wiped away when he steps closer to me and leans his head down to where my mark sits and presses a kiss to it.

Now if I thought that it felt amazing with his finger just touching it you can't even imagine the pleasure I felt when he kissed it.

I moaned louder this time and arched my back so I was fully pressed against him. He instantly responds by putting his hands on my waist and pulling me impossibly closer.

I wrap my arms around his neck while he continues to lay small kisses onto my neck before ultimately laying open mouthed kisses on it, flicking it with his tongue every now and then.

By that time I was just full out begging him not to stop, with no ounce of shame whatsoever.

He seems to want to keep going as well, as he grabs my waist tightly and starts walking backwards into the room. He turns me and pushes me back against the bed so that he is hovering on top of me and crashes his lips to mine.

I moan and try to deepen the kiss but he doesn't let me which turns my moan into a growl.

He slides his hand under the shirt I'm wearing and pushes the shirt up with his hand so that its above my boobs.

I arch my back, wanting him to keep going and thankfully he does. He pulls my bra down and puts his lips around my nipple, making my moan and put my hands in his hair.

He growls and bites down lightly and uses his fingers to twist and pinch the other one.

He's about to move his lips to my left boob but the door - of course - opens to reveal some teenager I don't know.

He's about to say something to Ashton but when he sees what we're doing he stops dead in his tracks and just stares. His jaw drops open and his eyes widen yet he just stands there and stares.

I screech out of instinct making Ashton immediately fall onto his side so that my body is shielded from the kids view. I can see how pissed off Ashton is but before I can do anything to calm him down he tugs down my shirt and jumps off the bed.

He stalks towards the kid who looks like a fish right now as he tries to produce words but fails miserably.

Ashton grabs his throat and pins him against the wall.

"Any specific reason why you thought it was a good idea to look at my mate in the way you did?" Ashton's entire body is tensed while he growls the words out at the kid who can't even breathe properly right now.

I get up off the bed and walk over to where Ashton has him pinned right beside the door. I place my hand on Ashton's arm so we have the skin on skin contact and I smile to myself when I immediately feel his body loosen.

"Ashton it was an accident, put him down please." I decide to add the please in there so his wolfs ego is boosted slightly by the sign of respect. Rather than just straight out tell him to put him down I'm kindly asking him to.

He reluctantly releases his hold and the kid immediately falls to the ground clutching his neck and gasping for air.

"A-alpha, I'm extremely sorry for looking at you're mate in a disrespectful way. I only came to inform you an Alpha that goes by George Wilkins is here. He is asking for her." He looks directly at me but its not the look that makes my blood run cold and my body tense up.

He just won't give up will he? I tune out Ashton and the kid while my thoughts go a mile a minute. Theres only one thought however that stays and has me considering it for quite a while.

Whats so special about me that he won't give up?


Hey guys, so I know that I said it'd either be this chapter or the next that something really eventful was going to happen, well it turns out that its going to be next chapter. I was going to make it this chapter but I was just in a really lovey type of mood since my boyfriend came back today (he was in the UK for 2 months) so it made me in a really lovey dovey mood which I apologize for.

So stay tuned for next chapter I promise its going to be really eventful!

Hope you all are having an amazing Friday! Three day weekend for me so I will update a lot (: If you are having a great day maybe you could spread the love and vote and comment? Maybe even follow me? <3

-Skittles 💋

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