Chapter 4- Hostages Pt 2

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"I want my mommy." the little girl cried out. She must have been only five years old and it was really dark where she was. She sat on the dirty floor, crying for hours.

"Shh!! If they hear you crying again they might beat us." the boy whispered back. His hands were tied up by a rope and he dangled as his feet could not hit the ground.

He was not older than twelve years old and he was trying to comfort the little girl who was in the room with him.

"Do you think mommy and daddy are coming for us?" the little girl asked, hoping she could go home.

Voices started shouting and the little girl started screaming and crying loudly as everything suddenly started to spin around.


Brianna opened her eyes but could not see anything. In fact, the dream awoke her. She could hear voices talking in hushed tones. She stayed completely still as she did not know who could be watching her.

Her eyes were blind folded and she could tell that she had been moved, as she felt herself seated on a hard chair or something. Her hands and feet were tied to the chair and her mouth gagged . She could feel the pain from the punches she had received from the masked man.

Her mind kept replaying the dream in her mind.

Who were these little children who were tied up?

Brianna didn't think this was a dream. She had a feeling it was a vision. Two other kids were trapped in this place and they needed to be brought home to their parents. They were probably siblings and who knows how long they could have been there for.

Bree also thought about Aubrey. This was all Brianna's fault. If only she had listened to her best friend and called her chauffeur to pick them up from the ice-cream parlor, or maybe taken a taxi home. They would not have been targets for these kidnappers. Brianna also blamed herself because she was a black belt. She should have been able to escape these kidnappers before they had a chance to grab her.

Her parents would be so disappointed in her fighting skills.

They never favored her. Brianna's older brother, Bryan was their favorite. He was loved unconditionally by her parents. However, he was killed in a car crash when he was 17 and Bree was only a toddler then. When he died, her parents became more preoccupied with work, moved to another mansion and brought in nannies, butlers and chauffeurs to take care of her. They barely  uttered a word to Brianna and lived their lives as if they did not have kids.

Her father was very strict, however, and any mistake Bree made would not go unpunished. She was forced to learn karate, take part in sports and other activities even though her parents never came to watch her tournaments. They only ensured that everything was paid for and that she had all the material things she needed.

Brianna was very antisocial but many people longed to be her friend because she was beautiful and kind, except for at karate. Whenever she trained, she turned into a different person in the rings. It was as if all her anger and hatred was shown there and she was aggressive when it came to karate. She was also a really good shooter as she did this as a sport.

She had never killed someone but it was something that she would do without hesitation, except if it had to be someone she loved.

After about forty-five minutes, a deep voice spoke up.

"I know you're up." he said to Brianna who said nothing in response, and even if she had to, it would be muffled as her mouth was gagged.

"Brianna Montgomery. Daughter of well known attorney James Montgomery. We're so sorry that you have to get in the middle of our squabbles yet again but it doesn't seem that your father is understanding why he should drop this case. It has been going on for too long and he is too adamant about it. I guess he didn't learn his lesson the first time." the man said.

Brianna muffled something but it was incoherent.

She was so confused. Why did the man say that I got in the middle of this yet again ? And learnt his lesson the first time?

Brianna wanted to learn more and see whom she was addressing.

She heard footsteps leave the room and heard screams coming from a far distance. It sounded like Aubrey and Brianna began shaking her chair and moving around trying to free herself but the chair did not move an ounce.

After what seemed to be hours of silence and in and out of consciousness due to the limited amount of air in the room, footsteps were finally heard again, coming towards Bree.

"We're going to do a live video for your parents to see. You are not to do anything that will result in them not agreeing to what we have planned. If this does not work out, we are going to kill Aubrey in front of you while you remain helpless like the pathetic little rat that you are." the man said causing Bree to scream at him but it just sounded like muffling.

"The news has your face all over it but they don't think you were kidnapped. They all think it's a rebellious prank you did to worry your parents but Aubrey's parents are worried about you both." the kidnappper said and this cause Bree to cry out.

"Mr.James. What a pleasure it is to speak with you. I have something which I believe you would want." he said and then Bree heard her father speak up.

"Is this some sort of joke?" he asked unamused, "Show your face you coward. I don't think you have anything I want."

Bree cried out but it was incoherent. What if her father doesn't want to save her? He never showed her love. Only her nannies should her love and appreciation. Her heart broke thinking of all the awful things they would do to her before finally killing her.

"I think you will want what I have." the man said.

I suddenly heard my father cry out.

"Oh my God! Brianna?" he cried out and Bree muffled trying to shift.

The man then removed the blind folds from Bree's face and her father cried out in horror. Her face was badly bruised and blood was all over it.

"Don't worry sweetie. I'm going to get you out of this." her father said and this was the first time in years she had heard him sound so concerned as if he truly loved her.

She couldn't look at her father on the camera for long because she saw his eyes full of tears and sorrow and it made her want to cry. Her face was battered enough. Her left eye could barely open due to the black eye she had and her face was red and swollen.

"Don't touch her. I'll do anything." Mr.James cried out.

"Drop the case." the man said simply and ended the phone call. He then threw the phone he used to the ground and crushed it with his huge feet.

Brianna watched the man and she could tell it was not the same man who had beat her up. This one spoke with more class. He was the one who planned the kidnapping.

Brianna tried to get his attention by making sounds and he removed the gag from her mouth.

"Why are you doing this? And where's Aubrey?" she cried out.

"You're my hostage. I ask the questions here and I say what happens." he said and then exited the room.

Not long after he left the room, a funny smell began to fill the air. They were using a knock out gas to make her unconscious. It began to make Bree feel sick.

Brianna tried to hold her breath but it soon knocked her out.

__________End of chapter_______

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Also, check out my other kidnappping book... Kidnapped to live in a Castle.

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