Day Nine - Animals

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The calm before the storm. Wind gusts through the trees, causing ripples like an ocean of leaves. Then comes the partial second of light that shoots across the sky followed by the distant rumbles of thunder. The storm is afoot and water falls from the heavens, pelting down on the warm cement, building and collecting. If the storm keeps up it will amass a large amount of water in some areas lower in altitude causing floods and possible damage. But we are not here for the storm, we are here for what comes after the storm.

The world is quiet for the few moments after the last drop of rain has stopped and the clouds disperse leaving a brightly lit sky. Then, out of the void of silence, the first chirp is heard. Then there is another and another. As if, the world was unsure of the rains decent and held its breath hoping that it would be the end and those birds on the highest peaks knew that they saw the end of the storm. The land exhales and sounds burst back to life. Cars splash by on their way to their next destination now that the road is a safer place.

Worms have come to the surface to move on the newly wet overland and those bold birds that spoke the first words of the rebirthed world after the rain are now ready to feast. They swoop down to the wet dirt and snatch their nutritious meals while they can. The birds will feast as much as they can, because who knows when there will be another storm like this one? Not a meteorologist, that's for sure.

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