Chapter 1

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The feeling of my fist hitting the punching bag calmed my anger. The guy from tonight's fight landed a blow on the fresh tattoo on my arm. Instead of wincing at the pain, I used it to fuel my anger. Which helped me beat the guy. I remember the look on his face when he realized that a girl beat him.

That made me smile.

I went to the fight tonight with my bestfriend and trainer, Blake Grey. He is the one who taught me everything I know about fighting. How to punch, where to punch, to look for blindspots, and to never trust associated with my fights.

So now I'm in my gym punching away at the punching bag at eleven at night. All of a sudden my phone starts ringing, pulling me out of my thoughts. I picked it up and swiped at the screen, realizing who it was.

"Stop punching that damn punching bag. I can hear you from my house," Blake said.

I chuckle and looked out the window across from me. I saw him standing there watching me with a grin on his face.

I lifted the window and he did the same.

"Hasn't anyone told you its not good to perv on a girl that can beat your ass?" I asked with a grin. He just smiled and shook his head in disagreement. He looked at me for a long time before he climbed on the edge of the window sill and sat on it before resting his hands on his knees.

When I did the same, he finally spoke.

"Kat, you never actually told me why your mom hired me to train you, besides the fact that your dad is..... dead," he was hesitant to say that word even though my dad's death didn't effect me anymore. I mean I miss him, but I have a good life and I have a big brother, even though we aren't even related, to take care of me and my mom. I'm not talking about money wise, Blake takes care of us when we have an emotional breakdown. I haven't had one in months, but my mom has them all the time. I don't have them because I focus on my fighting. Mom does have work, but that doesn't help her.

"Well mom hired you because of my behavior after he died. I was always down, and when I wasn't sad, I was angry and hitting things. She thought it would be good if I had something to take my anger out on. So here you are after two years," I smiled awkwardly and he smiled back at me, and he didn't show sympathy because he knows how much I loath it.

After an hour of talking we finally said goodnight and went our separate ways. I smiled at myself as I thought of how could I have ever scored a bestfriend like him.

I felt like nothing could ruin my mood.


"What do you mean we're moving?!?!" I yelled at my mom. It was thirty minutes after I had said goodnight to Blake, and mom came home from work late as usual. I greeted her at the door as usual, but instead of her usual blank stare, she had a big smile on her face. It turned out that she had been with her boss, who came in behind her. She said that since her boss, James, is switching company's, he is letting her switch, so they can be together. And yes, when I say 'be together', I mean relationship wise.


"Is Blake going with us?" I asked hopefully.

"He is going to do some more fights so he can buy a new place by us," she said and smiled hoping I wouldn't blow my top. It made it easier to know that he would eventually move in next to us. Then I thought of something.

"You mean he knew about this and didn't tell me?" I felt my anger rise at all of them for not telling me sooner. Betrayal filled me, then it hit me.

"It wasn't his place to tell me, was it?" I whispered in defeat, then groaned.

She just shook her head sadly. I looked over at James with disgust, and I realized that I would have to accept it all.


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