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*6 years later*

"Melody!" I call to my 6 year old little girl, she runs into the room with red lipstick all over her face.

I laugh and bounce the baby on my hip softly while leaning down to wipe off the red lines off my daughters face.

"Your Uncle Jace will be here in a minute!" I say tickling her chin "Go get Mikey!"

"Uncle Jace!! MIKEY!!" She screams and runs out of the room. I shake my head laughing and place my 1 year old baby Joe in his swinging seat.

I get up slowly and grab my overgrown stomach. I grip the table as I finally get to my feet.

"Careful sweetheart." My mom says appearing from the living room and gripping my shoulder.

"I'm fine." I breath out "just exhausted. Plus with Austin working so much lately and handling 3 kids and craving, it's taking its toll."

"I bet, you need to sit and out your feet up." She says shooing me away but I don't move.

"I can't mom!" I exclaim "I have to cook dinner for everyone, feed the twins and get little Jo-Jo down for his nap."

"Maia, me and your father will take care of it. Just go and rest, if Austin was here he would kill you for being on your feet all the time."

That's true, especially because I'm 7 months pregnant. With his 4th child!

Austin and I welcomed our first two children, Melody and Mikey 6 years ago. Then along came little Joe 5 years later.

Im not sure why we waited so long to have Joe but a lot happened. My father became seriously ill for around 3 years but started recovering over time.

Then Austin left for a while on business in an allied pack in Britain. Leaving me to tend to the twins alone for around 6-7 months. The phone calls and Skype calls were not the same.

Now we are finally expecting our fourth child, a little girl who we hope to call Jesse. I'm so excited now.

"Thanks mom." I give her a hug then walk into the empty living room, our new house which we moved into 2 years ago is my favourite house ever.

It's 5 bedroom and 3 bathroom so we have plenty of room for the kids and us. It's just down the road from the pack house, in the beautiful forest.

I slump down onto the new soft cushioned sofa and let out a sigh of relief. I lift up my legs and place the on the opposite armrest from where my head lays.

I close my eyes and hum a familiar tune I have sing to each of my children every night. A lullaby I had always loved as a child, Lavender Blue.

My peace is short lived when the front door opens and in burst my two nephews, Nathan and Davy.

"Hey lil sis!" My brother Jace shouts coming in after them with his wife and mate Sandra, whom he met 4 years ago.

"Awntie!" My nephews shout together jumping on me and giving me a hug. I laugh and hug them back.

"Hey Nathan! Hey Davy!" I say laughing before they run out of the room and into the kitchen.

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