Chapter 2-Meeting people I called family

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Chapter 2
Meeting people I called family

While I was on the plane I made sure to enjoy the luxury that there is. Around midnight I fall asleep. A noise by my ear wakes me up as I force my eyes open I realize that it's coming from the speaker next to me.

I quickly wake myself up shocked thinking I over slept and missed the arrival of the Las Vegas airport. I look around me and notice that there are the same people on the plane.

The sound that was coming from the speaker is actually one of the captains informing everyone that we are arriving in Las Vegas in less then 15 minutes and he gives us orders that we shouldn't get up from our seating places at once when we arrive as there will be a huge commotion.

While I am in the plane I text my father and brother from the mobile numbers I have manage to get over the years.

'Hi dad or Drake whoever reads this. I am Emma your daughter/ sister. I am texting to inform you that I am coming by the house I just need to ask you if you will let me to stay there. Mum has passed away in a car accident. See you soon xxx -E'

The plane finally lands. I get off the plane and head to get my luggages. I get my luggages and go outside to look for a taxi to drive me to my location.

I find a taxi driver drinking his coffee and I go ask him.

"Sorry there but can you please drive me to this location?" I give him the paper,

"Yes of course. You can start putting your luggages in the trunk of that car."he says whilst pointing to a car opposite me.

"Ok thank you very much."

"I'll be right there just as soon as I finish this coffee. Oh and that that will cost you 5.50 euros."

"I will give them to you right now."

I open my back pack and grab my purse. As soon as I had opened my purse I give him the exact money and then started to head to the car with my luggages. I put my luggages in the trunk and after I went inside the car.

As he finishes his coffee he puts the destination in the car gps and he starts driving. I unlock my phone and find a new message.

'I am sorry to hear about your mother. And of course you can stay I will have your room ready. See you soon can't wait to see you again. Love your father'

I look at my window and see many trees around us it feels like we are going through a forest.

It's so dark I can barely see any sunlight with all the trees. Finally we are out of the forest and back on the road where there are houses.

After an hour I had arrived to my destination. I thank the driver and take the luggages out of the trunk.
I turned around to see the house that I'd be living in. I stay in the same place for a minute amazed by the house which is a mansion!

After examining the house I grab my luggages and head to the door.
I am so nervous and excited and also maybe a little scared.

I knock on the door I can also see that there are many cars to count and around ten motorcycle parked in the driveway. After waiting for several minutes the door opens.

I see a tall guy with black hair and has blue eyes. He is wearing a white V shirt with a very expensive leather jacket and black shorts.

"Who the hell are you?And stop eye rapping me not that I mind"he says looking at me from bottom to top with a smirk on his face.

"My name is Emma. Emma Skye."I respond back looking at his eyes.

"Drake there is someone at the door which is..." he shouts.

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