chapter 5

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Grey ^^
Hot damn. 😂

I woke up to Cameron shouting my name. I quickly run downstairs terrified he's hurt. I see him sitting on the couch with the news channel on. He rewinds it to a breaking news section. He quickly presses play and pulls me onto the couch. I see a picture of a person in a body bag and then a picture of Sarah pops up onto the scream. It was her track photo from last year, her eyes held so much happiness and her smile bigger than her face. I feel sick.

'Late last night cops found 18 year old Sarah Kings laying in the middle of the street, her body was cut up as well as her face. Her eyes were not found but carved into her stomach was words, it read;

I warned you.

We have no suspects and no leads so if anyone knows who did this please tell your local authorities. I feel my stomach clench knowing this was my fault. I felt my bottom lip tremble as tears come to my eyes. I quickly run upstairs and slam the door. I slide my back against the door and slowly slide down and sit on the floor. I pull my knees to my chest and put my face in my hands. I stayed like this, crying for at least two hours. The rest of the day I just sat in my bed feeling dead. I just laid there looking at the white ceiling, reminding myself it was my fault my childhood friend was murdered. Cameron tried to come and get me to eat but I couldn't bring myself to do it.
I was about to fall asleep when my phone vibrated. I swipe it open and look at the text.

I didn't want to but you left me no choice. You'll get over her, I am only doing this for US.

No choice? Wth do you want,

I feel my anger rise as I reread his text over and over again.

After a minute he replies.

I want you, and if you don't behave I still can get your brother.

I feel more tears come to my eyes

Please just leave me alone.

I will have you soon princess get some sleep.

I finally let tears slide down my face. Why me? What did I do?

I curl myself into a ball and cry before falling asleep. I hear my alarm clock go off. I slide out of bed and get ready for work. I put on sweatpants and a tight shirt not feeling like doing anything today. I walk out of the apartment and get half way to work when I remember I didn't get my purse, or phone. Whatever.

I continue walking knowing that if I go back I won't get to work on time. I felt like I was being watched I turned around and see a vehicle parked in a parking lot, the driver was watching me. I walk a little faster and begin thinking of who it could be.

Is it Grey?

No, it can't be. He's a detective and the initials don't match, on all the notes it's J.G.A. his first name is Grey.

I groan in anger and finally arrive at the diner. The day goes by pretty fast, every once and awhile I snapped at someone. But I can't help it my emotions are going crazy and I can't take it anymore. I feel tears come to my eyes. I see my boss come over to me with a sympathetic look on her face. She probably seen the news.

"Sweetheart go home,"

I nod and quickly run out of the diner. I run down the side walk getting weird stares from everyone. I get home fast and run into my room. I feel my anger and sadness pile up together and I slam my door shut. I punch my wall next to my door screaming in anger. I leave a pretty good size hole in the wall. My mind goes blurry as I go into an anger frenzy. My hands slam against the picture frame and lamp on my dresser making them drop to the ground and shatter. I kick my bed frame and then scream in pain as I begin noticing the mess I made.

I lay in bed and cry. My parents use to make fun of me because I'd always hold my feelings in and then I would throw a temper tantrum. I begin rubbing my temples trying to think of what to do to make this stop.

I hear my phone ring. I quickly pick it up. I hear a dark chuckle on the other end.

"I didn't know my baby girl threw temper tantrums." I heard the deep voice speak through the phone.

"You're actually even hotter when you get mad." I drop to the floor and begin crying. I swear he's always watching me.

"Hey, no need to cry I am coming to get you, everything will be better. I promise. " I feel my crying get heavier, he's psychotic. A sob rocks my chest.

"Pl-please just l-leave me alone." I hiccup.

"I will see you tonight, love you." I hear the line go dead. I quickly exit the room and rum downstairs I check all the doors and windows making sure they are locked. I run back upstairs into my room and lock my door and window. I go into the bathroom and lock myself in there.

I knew I had a better chance of living if I locked myself into here, there's no windows. I slide under the sink cupboard and close the door. I pull my knees to my chest and slowly rock myself. I usually hide under the sink when I felt scared, sad, or was just playing hide and seek with my family. I just hope he doesn't know that.

After about two hours I hear a crash of glass come from my window. I put my hand to my mouth trying not to cry.

Cameron left earlier he said he went to his friends. So hopefully he's safe.

I hear the bathroom door handle jiggle. After a while I hear it get kicked in. I hold my breath as I hear heavy foot steps begin looking around. I heard him open the closet and shower curtain. I finally hear him begin walking out. He leaves my room and begins walking downstairs.

He keeps repeating, 'come out sweetheart.'

My phone begins ringing loudly I look at it and see Cameron's picture I quickly press cancel. I begin rocking back and forth as I hear him chuckle and begin walking up the stairs again.
"Princess come out right now before I have to punish you." He demands. It sounds like he's next to the bed. I move a little trying to hear better but my butt hits the extra shampoo and it tips over making a loud clatter.

I bite my lip as I hear his foot steps coming to the bathroom, after about ten minutes of silence. I think he left. I am not gonna end up being that retarded blonde that comes out only to be met with the killer, no I am staying right here.

I close my eyes and hope that he left. I hear a door open and close. I hear a voice in my room.

"Miranda I am home!" I quickly realize it's Cameron's. I run out of my hiding spot and into my room. I expect to be met with Cameron but all there is is a recorder on my bed. Thats when I realize my stalker must have recorded Cameron coming home last night. My eyes grow wide when I realize he's probably still in here. I look in the corner of the room and see someone launch themselves at me.

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