Day One - Outside The Window

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The sound of silence is far from common in the "big city" life. I say big city, knowing that it is far from big compared to stature of actual large cities but relative to where I have spent my days I shall stick with this city being known as "big" to me. It is midnight now, the time that I do most of my work. Have it be nothing, playing video games, or actually doing work like writing, this is my hour. I spend my afternoons at work only able to return home around this dark hour to slip into something a little more comfortable. Staying awake far past the time I wish to be asleep, roughly 6 am, slowly reaching for new bursts of energy only to give up and fall into my bed. Waking up at 1 pm giving me time to open my eyes, get a little exercise, and a shower. After my shower I then start preparing myself for work to repeat the cycle.

So I look out the window at the silence of society and fleeting taillights as cars pass by my apartment complex with their accompanied puttering engine. It is the only time to appreciate such a thing, since the only other time I see them is in large conglomerates honking at each other do to impatience on their afternoon travels as I head to work. I think about how the hot air feels on my face in the midsummer afternoons and how just as I reach work I can feel the single bead of sweat go down my side under my shirt as I rest my hand on the steering wheel and I always wait for the cool breeze to come to give me the little satisfaction of having the windows down. On the topic of heat I am not the fondest of humidity, the never ending smothering of air creating anxiety of asphyxiation in my mind. No matter which direction you turn your head you cannot escape its grasp. Yeah, Mother Nature is a bitch, but what can you do? Complain about it I guess.

Sometimes when I look at the moon I find myself looking at it for too long, contemplating if I stare at it long enough would I be able to see it budge. Being engulfed in what seems to be so small in the sky that you could reach out and grab it but what I am truly being engulfed by is my emotions that come with looking at the moon. But alas I always feel as if there are more important things to do, but the feeling of realization as I gawk at the moon is almost euphoric, so I continue to gawk and tell myself to stop staring, rinse and repeat. You get the idea.

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