➽ E i g h t e e n : He's Alive

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"I have seen many storms in my life. Most storms have caught me by surprise, so I had to learn very quickly to look further and understand that I am not capable of controlling the weather, to exercise the art of patience and to respect the fury of nature."
-Paulo Coelho

As we made our way closer to the central hub of the territory, I noticed the buildings made out of ice were significantly larger than I originally expected

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As we made our way closer to the central hub of the territory, I noticed the buildings made out of ice were significantly larger than I originally expected. The Beta saw my attention drawn to the architecture. He answered an unspoken question that was forming in my mind. "Most of the pack sleeps together in the winter months. When it starts to get warmer we typically just sleep under the sky unless the weather is bad." 

"We'll replace the huts with log houses covered with pelts." Darmon smiled at the further questions that statement raised. "There are no secrets or modesty within packs." 

"That must be an amazing community to be a part of." My voice was filled with awe. I couldn't imagine being a part of something so trusting. I loved having my small group of friends, people I could consider my family but the idea of the whole manor being in such a way was overwhelming. 

Darmon smiled wider, his eyes filled with pride and joy at his pack. "It is. Being alone is a painful experience for the wolf. Our people protect each other in whatever way they're able."

We made our way to the biggest structure, the ice carved with elaborate designs. They looked like symbols of another language I couldn't speak nor read. I didn't have time to study them longer. Once we reached the entryway, the Beta held open the furs keeping in the heat. Jaxon motioned for me to enter first and I complied. 

The first thing I was aware of was the warmth. A striking contrast to the air outside, a bead of sweat formed on my upper lip. Immediately I removed the cowl from my head. Jaxon and Darmon followed behind me, shaking the snow from their bodies. My breath hitched in my throat while watching the Prince. Would just the sight of him ever stop catching me off guard?

Jaxon looked up at me, a smirk playing around his mouth. It was without a doubt he heard the jump in my heart once again. I hid the flush of my cheeks from him, watching Darmon walk over to a beautiful dark haired woman. All of her features were dark. The difference between her and the Beta were total opposites. Where his skin and hair was fair, hers was a rich russet and midnight black. His eyes were a blue bordering on the edge of gray but hers were almost as dark as her pupils. However they were pools of knowledge. The way she held herself, positioned in a way that she knew he was coming for her, was graceful even while sitting. 

It was impossible not to feel the love the two had for each other as he finally reached her. The embrace was deep and he wasted no time before his mouth found hers. The flush in my cheeks grew. I averted my gaze to the ground, waiting. 

"I'd like to introduce Bianca, my wife and mate." As he spoke, his eyes never left her face. "She will be here to keep account of what we speak about. She's also the pack gossip." 

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