Lunch and Yaya

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Ian's Pov:

I am having lunch with Rose. I couldn't believe that the latter accepted my invitation but surprisingly she did. I said that I missed the old times and she agreed to meet up with me. I knew that she informed Jacob about our plans. I knew that he had a say in us meeting . That irritated me a lot but he allowed her and that made me the happiest. That stupid guy trusted me with her and allowed her to maybe connect with me again and even fall in love.

I decided to wait for Rose in front of the restaurant that picked. I am going to be a total gentleman to her. I will open the door for her, help her to sit on her chair and pay the bill for sure. I will be the perfect prince and that way her feelings for me will ignite again and hopefully she will dump Jacob and run to my hands.

"Hey." she saluted me with her usual smile

"Hi." I greeted her back and looked deeply in her blue orbs. The same eyes that I loved for years. The same ocean eyes that charmed me and put me under a spell.

"Shall we go in?" she questioned and I nodded then walked with her.

As planned, I acted as the perfect gentleman. I made her laugh and giggle and those sounds were pure music to my ears. I am truly in love with this woman. Rose kept on talking endlessly about her adventures with Jacob and even if that tortured me on the inside I smiled and kept a friendly facade for her. Be a prince charming and maybe she will fall for you again! 

As I agreed on playing it cool, her phone beeped announcing a text and she excused herself to read it. After seconds the smile on  her face grew wider. She chuckled silently and I wanted to know what Jacob could have said to earn such a smile from her. 

"Jacob?" I asked intruding but I didn't really care

"Maya." Rose corrected and my heart fastened rapidly at the mention of Maya's name.

"Is she okay?" I felt all my cold facade and high walls trembling and breaking. Why do I care about Maya or her well being?

"She is great. I didn't meet her since the incident between you too but we have been texting." Rose declared as she once again chuckled at what Maya sent her.

"So it is been a whole week? She is that busy?" I questioned yet again and found my questions unreasonable. Why do I care? Maybe because I knew that Maya and Rose couldn't stay apart from each other for more than a day. Yeah my care is just out of friendship.

"Nick and Maya have been working on a secret project and while doing so they have be pranking each other and all. They grew close and are becoming inseparable. Maya send me their updates everyday." Rose laughingly said as if visioning one of Maya's or Nicholas's pranks. But while I heard her words I felt a foreign pang of pain in my chest. Just like the day of that kiss, when she ran away, when Nicholas came to her and she invited him in, my heart raced in a painful way and then just seemed to abruptly stop.

"They are friends now?" the words escaped my mouth and wanted to take them back. Why I am sounding so vulnerable? Why do I seem to lose control when Maya is mentioned or is around?  

"He calls her Yaya and his own best friend. He is getting possessive of her friendship and when he succeeds in keeping her away day and night he actually tease me for being her new best friend." Rose said playfully as she shook her head disagreeing 

"Night?" that was all I heard. I don't know why but images of me and Maya kissing started to replay in my mind. I remembered how she felt against me, how she fitted like her body was made for mine, how she tasted and felt as I kissed her lips and how she reacted to me. Then suddenly the same image changed and there was Maya kissing another guy. Panting as he continues to kiss her senseless and smiling as he asks for entrance.

"Ian?" Rose questioned and I tried my best to focus on the woman that I love but those images of Maya kissing a stranger kept on haunting me.

"What were we talking about before Maya and Nicholas were mentioned?" I tried to change the subject hoping that Rose won't sense my discomfort.

"Are sure that you are okay?" She questioned and I nodded but images were haunting me and for a reason torturing me.

"What are you planing to do after lunch?" I asked wanting to focus on Rose again

"Jacob and I are getting formally introduced to Nicholas." Rose sounded cheerful at the idea but I didn't know which guy name tortured me more!

"Why such formalities?" I dared to ask because if he wasn't dating May then he shouldn't be introduced formally to her family and friends.

"Maya insisted on the need of us knowing the real him. Since she gave him a second chance, he proved himself trustworthy. We kept on doubting him and even speculating his every move but Maya promised us that he is one the greatest people she has ever met. She added him in a group discussion at first we resentfully talked to him but then we warmed up to him and started consider him as part of our group. Now Maya says that it is the right time to finally meet him in person." Rose explained and I now I can surely say that I hate Nicholas. I don't know why but he invaded the group's life easily. Yet when I tried to befriend Maya she rejected me countless times. Is he better than me? handsomer? richer? I am sure that Maya won't care about such titles but I can't help but wonder at how this idiot of a man put Maya under his spell in just a week while I was rejected all the time...

"You spacing out..." Rose indicated with a searching tone 

"I am tired. The past few days were hectic." I lied but she seemed to believe it. She couldn't read me like an open book...not like Maya...

"Best of luck with your company." Rose wished and I smiled at her and thanked her then started to play with my meal as Rose silently ate. For an unknown reason I had lost my appetite to both eat and talk.

"Thanks for lunch, Ian." Rose thanked me as we went out and before she leaved she hugged me.

I was expecting sparks but all I felt was some warmth and familiarity. What is wrong with and why did my soul yearn for Rose to turn into Maya at that very second. Why did I wish to have Maya this close? Why did I wish to kiss her senseless again? Am I going insane?

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What will happen next? Maya and Nick do you ship them?

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