Chapter 9

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Chapter 9, ready to go. Enjoy!


Beep. Beep. Beep.

What is that incessant beeping? I internally groaned, couldn't someone just switch it off? Wait where was I? I tried to open my eyes but it felt as though they were glued shut. My heart rate picked up, why couldn't I open my eyes.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

The beeping quickened as I began to panic, attempting to move in any way. Struggling, it was as though I had been strapped down, I felt paralyzed. The beeping was becoming faster and my heart was pounding in my chest.

'Miss? Can you hear me? Relax! It's okay.' It was a man's voice. I want to open my eyes! I felt like screaming. His hand touched my arm, shaking it softly. Suddenly my eyes flew open and immediately a white light momentarily blinded me. He let go and stood back as I tried to make out my surroundings through watery eyes.

I felt the softness of a bed beneath my back. Staring round the room I finally figured it out. I was in a hospital. And that's when it all came flooding back. Father finding out about Tommy. The yelling. The stairs.

'Sammy?' I croaked out, my throat burning as I spoke. Was he here? Was he okay? What happened after I fell unconscious? I had so many questions but no one to answer them. All because I was friends with Tommy... I seemed to be getting a lot of trouble lately because of Tommy. I felt a pang in my chest; he was such a sweet person. I just couldn't understand the problem.

The doctor interrupted my thoughts, his voice soft, 'your brother's in the waiting room, wait a moment whilst I get him. Don't move too much, your head will still hurt.'

I nodded and waited as he left, lifting my hand and feeling my head. A bandage was wrapped around my forehead, a dull ache in the back of my skull. It was a few moments before I saw Sammy rushing in, immediately embracing me. 'Dani! Oh god, I was so worried! I'm so sorry -'

I let out a soft chuckle before wincing, a sharp pain stabbing in my side. 'It's okay.' My throat was too dry to say any more. Sammy reached for a cup, passing the water for me to drink.

As I sighed whilst the cool water soothed my throat, the doctor spoke from the doorway, 'you hit your head hard and gained a concussion but it wasn't too serious so you should be fine in a few days. You have two bruised ribs. Be careful and don't move too quickly. One last thing, how did this happen? Sammy thought you should tell me yourself?'

I glanced at Sammy questioningly, he read my expression and whispered only for me to hear, 'Tell him exactly what you want, I'm not gonna stop you this time. He should never have hurt you.'

I turned to the doctor, who looked worried, and smiled, 'I don't know why he ain't just telling you, he's making this too dramatic. I fell down the stairs, I'm a klutz!' I let out a breath at how easily I lied, I suppose that wasn't really a good thing. I knew Sammy would get us out eventually, I suppose I just had to trust him. He looked at me with wide eyes, completely bewildered.

'Miss,' the doctor took in a deep breath, 'your injuries are too serious to just have tripped and fallen down the stairs.' I held my breath and found myself becoming nervous; he was going to see straight through my lie. How did I think I could get away with this? 'It looks as though...'

'Yes?' I asked expectantly, trying hard to look innocently confused.

'It looks as though you were pushed.' His gaze burned into me and I almost cracked there but with one glance at Sammy staring at the white bed sheets nervously, I became more confident. 'Honestly, sir, I fell quite roughly. I'm very clumsy and I fell head first.'

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