Chapter 20: Daddy And Ari Sitting In A Tree

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Did I say two uploads yesterday? Lol yes, I meant today.

Chris's POV

"Chris!" Sarah called from the admission office as I entered the school.

"Hey, Sarah!" I smiled qawkwardly, trying to beeline it towards the art room before she could strike up a conversation. I couldn't get there in time as she cut off my path down the hallway.

"How are you? You haven't stopped by in a while." She smiled, nibbling on her bottom lip as she walked with me towards the art department.

"I'm good." I nodded, internally sighing from how done with this conversation I already was.

"Oh wonderful! I'm excited to see you this weekend for the festival, the signs you made were perfect!" She chirped, as her arm graced mine slightly. I placed a bit more distance between us as we reached the art doors.

"It was all Aria." I confessed, lifting my hand up to knock on the door before Sarah placed her hand on my arm to stop me.

"Well, I was actually wondering if you'd want to grab a drink after?" She asked, her hand remaining on my arm as she looked at her hopefully. Before I could answer her question, the hinges of the door roared to life as Aria pulled open the heavy wooden slates. She froze. I openly stared at her as she was covered head to toe in paint. Her hair was tied up in a work style, enabling her to juggle the empty boxes in her arm.

"Am I interrupting something?" She asked, her voice holding no emotion as she glanced between Sarah and I. I quickly moved my arm away from Sarah as Aria walked back into the art room. Sarah glanced between Aria and I, before slowly backing away.

"I'm going to leave you two to whatever the hell this is. Call me if something comes up, Chris." She nodded, before disappearing. I wanted to run after her and apologize, but I had to clear things up with Aria.

She had started to pack up all the paints and supplies as the school day drew to an end. Nick was apparently outside playing with some kids since he earned some free time hours.

"Aria." I called, trying to get her attention as she ignored me.

"Aria." I called again.

"It's none of my business, Chris." She stated, dipping the used paint brushes into the water cups. I quickly walked towards her before spinning her around and pulling her into me. She didn't resist me, but her arms stayed at her side.

"There's nothing to be jealous of." I whispered into her ear.

"I'm not jealous." She mumbled grumpily into my chest.

"She asked me out for a drink." I said honestly. Her body went rigid in my arms, and after a while, she finally spoke.

"What did you say?"

"Well, I was going to say no, but you came to the door before that." I replied. Her body relaxed a little more, but her hands still remained at her side.

"You turd." She grumbled into me.

"What do you mean?" I chuckled:

"Why couldn't you be ugly or something." She hissed.

"So you think I'm cute?" I smirked, placing my chin on her head.

"Never." She replied, leaning into me a bit more.

"I think you're cute." I replied dishonestly. The truth was, cute could even compare to how beautiful this woman was.

"Shut up." She grumbled again. I wasn't sure if it was me, or the way she was. But seeing her like this, acting like a child throwing a tantrum, just attracted me to her more. I loved how serious she could get around people, but when she felt comfortable, she opened up and became this goofy person. I pulled her back from me a bit by her shoulders so I could see her face. My facade quickly slipped as I saw just how inviting her lips were and had to have a taste.

I dipped my head down and captured her lips in mine as she tilted her head more towards me. She reacted immediately, pulling me into her as her hands grasped my back. My hands shot to her lower back and I broke the kiss as I pushed her back towards her desk and lifted her onto it. I went to capture her lips again but was interrupted by a cough at the door. Aria and I instantly broke apart as we turned to see Nick and his free time superior standing in the doorway.

"Daddy and Ari sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G. First comes the love. Then comes marriage, then comes-" Nick was cutoff by the free time advisors throat as she cleared it once again.

"Not appropriate, Nick." She shook her head, "neither was that."

"It will never happen again, Mrs. Burckbahm." I nodded, sending her one of my  signature smiles. Her facade quickly dropped as she sent me a flirty smile back.

"Sounds good, Chris. I'll see you at the festival." She replied, before turning and leaving.

"Daddy!" Nick called, sprinting directly into my legs.

"Oh, so now you're excited to see me, huh?" I teased as he grinned up at me.

"Well, I saw Aria earlier today so I didn't feel the need to hug her. We already had a moment during 4th period." He giggled.

"A moment? Are you trying to steal my girl from me?" I joked, winking at Aria as she blushed feverishly and looked away.

"I don't need to steal what's mine." Nick replied, winking at her. She laughed at that, before swooping down and picking up Nick.

"Ofcourse, bud. No one can resist your charm." She giggled, pretending to drop him before her arms securely caught him again. He was giggling uncontrollably at the act.

"Alright kid." I spoke, breaking up the moment, "we gotta head home now. You have homework you need to finish, and I have work I need to get to. I'm sure Aria has some stuff she needs to get done as well." Aria gently set him back down, before ruffling up his hair.

"That's right, bud. I have a bunch of art I need to grade and mount for the festival this weekend." She nodded, as Nick grabbed his book bag from his cubby.

"Well, it was nice seeing you Aria." I smiled down at her as my arms pulled her closer to me. I bent down to give her another kiss but she swiveled out from my embrace.

"No kissing on school grounds." She tsk'd, moving further away from me before sitting down at her desk.

"Come on Nick." I grumbled, smiling slightly at Aria as we exited the art department.

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