Allison's POV/ one-shot

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Dedicated to: Love_IsEndless

Finally mom relocated from new Hampshire that place was killing me with all the snow and the trafficking. ughh I just needed to get out of that place and the schools are so bad I couldn't I wanted to just go somewhere else, but mom said we have to wait till we move again . Every time we move she would give me a collide o scope I know it seems weird but I really like them the bright beautiful colors and patterns made me so happy they would get me through tough times. I didn't really any friends at my school cause I knew that I wouldn't have them for long. So when mom told me were moving to Florida I was happy because I could see my grams she would spend any thing on me she gets me whatever I wanted but I really never took it for granted but my dumb twin of a brother did. I really couldn't wait for moms new baby cause then I wouldn't have to occupy him.

"Hey hun you go ahead and open up the door and have a look at the the house " Mom mom said.

"K mom" I look around the and I actually like it better than our other house."Hey mom do we still have to say hi to the neighbor's.

"Yes you do now come on go get your brother we can pack later we're going to say hi to our new neighbor's"

"Mom you said I didn't have to go why now" "Cause honey you can make some friends in this new town now come on the boys will finish up" " alright but let me get the cookies"

I stop packing to get the cookies from kitchen counter to that we're already eaten by my brother max.

"What the hell Max those are for the neighbors" "Stop being such a baby there just cookies hot...peppers in the cookies MOM!!!" while max was acting like a baby and whining I got the real cookies that I placed in the refrigerator .

"Mom I'm read-"
"Hold on young lady did you put peppers in the cookies" mom said while she cut me off " Yeah but only bec-" "are those some of the cookies max were eating" " no I put a spare in the fridge so if he ate the decoyed ones  I could take the real ones" " I'm not going to lie honey but good job on the peppered cookies"

"REALLY MOM YOU SIDE WITH THE DORK" "Max stop now, we're going to say hi to the neighbors do you want to come"

"if that means we're going to see some hotties then yes"
Whatever keeps you up honey"
Mom said with a sigh .


"Mom Alies putting me to sleep again" I could do that thing that Quinn does from Zoey 101 when she puts people to sleep it's actually easier than it looks .

"You guys stop fighting and MAX STOP WHINING " mom yells .

I step out of Max's room and my room door and get slime and goo all my hair and clothes .

I let out a growl and hear laughter behind me I turn around slowly and jump on max and knock him to the ground. Wiping the slime onto him. I grabbed his arm and he grabbed mine he said "ohh two can play this game" we both can read each other's minds

So I pressed his and he pressed mine and we both were knocked out .

2 hours later

Mom was standing up in between us with some cookies in her hand giving us glares.

Mom sighed and said "you two get up and clean this mess up this instance now " mom was mad when she had changed to laid back to strict it was horrifying

"K mom" we said I got the mop max got the rag we cleaned up and mom said that it was time for dinner

After dinner I washed the dishes mom told me to sleep in Max's room because it was a tradition that I would sleep in Max's room every time we would move on the first day of our new school

Mom tucked me and max into bed she then kissed us on our foreheads and asked can read us a book for old time sake she read our favorite fairytale
Humpty dumbty.

10 minutes later

"Hey max are you scared about tomorrow cause it's a new school " "Not really we've done this before so many times it's not really new to me that's it doesn't mean anything you have to dress up and stuff doesn't matter "

"Ok your telling me to dress cool to play cool" " now you're speaking my language " "yeah I'm not going to be something I'm not so thanks I guess "


Next day

"Mom me and max are getting ready" I said as am still picking an outfit for school I get this white shirt that kind of showed my stomach so put some high waisted blue jeans with some plain white Adidas.

Max wore his signature plaid shirt with leather jacket and dark jeans . "Mom were ready " I said as walked down stairs to mom making us breakfast so we gobbled up all of it well max did but I ate my food.

"Come you guys don't wanna be late for your first day so hurry up and here's your lunches" mom said as she ran out in a rush .She then drove in a hurry with a kiss on

10 minutes later

"I guess this it" I say with goosebumps crawling all over me

We walk in but it's different than our other school everybody seemed to be happy.

"This place gives me the creeps and I like it " max said with a smug look on his face.
"Come on let's find the guidance counselor for our lockers" I said

We knocked into this girl holding hands with this boy " oh sorry I'm clumsy" I say
"No it's not your fault it's pretty crowded here you must be the new girl and boy that were showing around the school " "that's ok I'm pretty sure we can find it but thank you ""max what are doing we need the locker combinations " " ok and we'll find them now let's go " "no I'm going with uhmm what's your name " I asked
"Tae and this my boyfriend Cade" " hi I'm Allison and this my twin brother Max" " Sup" max said "babe why don't you show Allison around and I'll show max around" Cade said

I had a charm bracelet that I had gotten from my dad before he left and every time I would get nervous I would play with it

" hey you remind me of my best friend Lilly she plays with her charm bracelet when she gets nervous hey you're nervous you don't have to be scared hold on watch this......HEY GUYS THIS MY NEW FRIEND ALLISON BE NICE TO HER SHES SHY" TAE Said making me blush so hard that I turned into a tomato bomb.

^*^*^*Authors Note ^*^*^*
Hey guys this was a onshot for a competition for coaches daughter go and check it out plus I dedicated this chapter to Love_IsEndless the creator of coaches daughter now hurry up and read love you all


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