Chapter 4

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I calmly sat on my bed, watching my favourite movie.

"Damn that movie sucks."

"No it doesn't, it's just too cool and awesome for you." I replied, looking at the grumbling Xander who sat on a chair next to my bed.

"Well, that girl is just as ugly as you" Was his only comment on the movie. I turned around and stared at him, his brows furrowed .

"If you had a girlfriend, would you treat her like you treat me?" I asked bravely. I guess I just asked the only question which truly intrested me and I waited patiently for an answer. But it never came.

Instead my brother Tyson bursted through the door and screamed.

"THERE'S A FUCKING SPIDER N MY ROOM! GET RID OF IT BELLE!" I laughed at his command and slowly got up from my bed.
His room is only a few meters away from mine , so the walk wasn't too long.
However, as we arrived we saw Max already patiently waiting for us.
"What are you doing here Max? Your room is at the end of the hallway" I giggled.

"Arabelle this is not funny. What would you do if the spider were to crawl into my room? Huh? Got no answer, I knew it." Max replied.
It was truly something you don't hear everyday.
Two big and strong guys afraid of a small spider which wouldn't hurt anyone. I laughed even louder at that thought.

"STOP LAUGHING" Max and Tyson screamed at me in union.

I slipped into the room and looked for the spider.
"But I can't even see it, where is that spider Tyson?"

"R-right there, there is the m-monster" He stuttered and pointed behind the dustbin"

I looked at the small thing, crawling on the floor.
"You're really afraid of that teeny-tiny spider?"
I just couldn't stop laughing, how could they ever think of a spider as a threat?

"What's going on in here?" Derreck , who just stepped into the room asked.
I looked up at him, a smile still prominent on my lips.

"Oh nothing, just me getting rid of a spider because my brothers are to scared to do it"

"Are you fucking serious guys? A spider?"

"Sir, there is a visitor, he claimed it's important." Xander informed Derreck
Derrick calmly stepped out of the room and went downstairs.
I watched him and rushed after him, curious for the stranger.

As i reached the bottom of the stairs I bumped into something hard, I looked up to see Xander evilly glaring down at me.

"You're not supposed to be here Arabelle." He said clenching his teeth.

"Oh, who is this lady? Such a beauty. Is that your little sister Derreck?"

"Why are you here Evan?" Derreck growled at the man standing in the doorway.

"I originally wanted to remind you of our deal, but now that I've met your adorable little sister..."

"Don't you fucking dare, leave my sister out of this."

"Hahaha, is the big brother a little protective of his princess?"

I was totally and utterly scared, I hid behind Xander, who protectively stood in front of me."

"Get fucking lost Evan"
"Oh, is Xander a little mad at me? Come on princess, step forward so I can have a better look at you." The guy creepily said.

I pressed my face into Xander's chest, hiding my face from 'Evan'.
Xander put his arms around me, shielding me from Evan's stares.

"She won't do such things." Xander darkly growled.

"Take her upstairs and stay with her." Derrick said to Xander.
Xander lifted my legs up, I clung onto him while hiding my face in his chest.

He carried me to my room and caressed my hair while doing so.

"Shhh, it's ok"

He sat down on my bed, me being in his lap.

"W-who w-was that?" I asked him.

"No one you should be concerned about baby girl."

I looked at him with wide eyes, his eyes softened before turning hard again.

He threw me onto my bed and quickly left my room, leaving me cold.

I looked after him and then fell asleep.

Sorry for the short chapter, kind of have a writers block atm and I started this story abt 3yrs ago, so I don't know what to write haha.

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