08. the bad boy never showed up

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          Monday, we were awkward.

          Tuesday, he sat with Heidi and I at lunch. He tried to get my phone number but I refused to give it to him.

          Wednesday, he tried to hug me again. I kicked his balls before he could lay a hand on me.

         Thursday, he picked me up to go to school. I refused and walked alone in the sidewalk while he rode the car along my side slowly. Yeah, that didn't end up well. The cars behind him was mad and there was an argument involved. Let's just say, he won because he's rich. He tried to take me home too. That didn't end up well.

          What can I say? I'm a badass.

          Friday, he asked me out on a date. I refused but he kept bothering me. So I agreed so he would shut up.

          Saturday, it's our date and I'm still waiting for him to pick me up.

          I decided to wear a pair of sweat and a black tshirt with my nike shoes. Yeah, I'm going all out with the plan for him to lose interest in me.


          "Yes, mother?"

          "Umm... I'm not sure what you kids do on a date these days but I'm pretty sure you don't wear sweats and have your hair up in a bird nest." She observes me closely.

          I sigh annoyed, "I know, mother."

          I always call her mother whenever I'm mad at her. And you can say I'm still pretty mad at her for still going through with the marriage.

          "The wedding is next week." She reminds me for the millionth times.

          "You can stay mad all you want but this is my life too. I'm finally happy. So please, come to the wedding." She begs me. I stay quiet, avoiding eye contact.

          "Well, I have to go cake testing with Rob. See you later?" She says bye before closing the front door.

          I let out a frustrating sigh.

          I know I'm selfish. But I can't see her with anyone else.

          I was torn the day I found out my dad had been killed on duty. People always thought I was adopted whenever we were together because I looked nothing like him. He's asian while my mom is white. I looked more like my mom.

          I miss him.

          I shake the thought out of my head because I knew I was going to start bawling my eyes out if I continue to think about him.

          I check the time on my phone.

          6:00 PM

          He should be here by now. He told me he'll pick me up at 6. Where the hell is he?

Waiting patiently, I grab the remote and turn on the tv. I log onto Netflix and start browsing through the site for a good movie to watch.

After five minutes, I decided to go with Clueless, one of my favorite movie.


"Chloe honey," mom's soft voice woke me up from my sleep.

I had fallen asleep while watching movies on Netflix.

"What happened to your date?" Mom asks the question I've been thinking about for the last few hours.

I have no idea.

"Something urgent came up so he had to cancel," I lied to her.

She nods her head in understanding and walk towards the stairs to go to her room.

50 First Dates is still playing on the tv. I waited for so long that I already finished Clueless and went on to watch 50 First Dates.

I check the time on my phone. 10:36 PM

If he think I'm still going on this date with him, he better think twice.

I can't believe he stood me up. I can't believe I even thought he would keep his words and show up.

The Bad Boy Knows How to Love (#1)Where stories live. Discover now