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"How was school guys?" Asked the Alphas mom, our former Luna Veronica.

"It was okay," I asked giving her a smile.

"It was more than okay, it was hilarious." Said Karlie Ann.

"We found out who Blake's mate is, it's Ashtons mate sister, and they are named after legit dolls." She rambled.

"Ashtons mate is named Barbie, and Blake's mate's is Skipper." She laughed clutching her stomach.

"Well that's unusual, I wonder what their parents were thinking." Said Veronica.

I walked over to the kitchen and started taking out the stacks of deli meat.

"Veronica, when is Bentley coming back?"

"He should be back today." She said taking the deli meat from me and started to make sandwiches.

As our former Luna, Veronica is supposed to take care of the whole pack, sort of like a mother. She cooks and cleans, and helps out the Alpha with minor duties.

Once she was done making me a hefty sandwich, she placed it down in front of me. I was about to bit into it, when I realized it was missing something.

Italian Dressing.

I put Italian dressing on almost everything, my burgers, Mac salad, even when we get take out I drench ever thing in Italian dressing. It's so dam good.

"Youre disgusting." Claimed a grossed out Karlie Ann.

"And your annoying." I said with a stuffed mouth.

Karlie Ann rolled her eyes then looked to Veronica.

"How's Camilla?" She asked.

"Well," she paused, "she's completely fine, her leg healed, but she claims that it's still broken, and that she shouldn't walk on it."

I rolled my eyes.

"Camilla is just overdramatic. She just wants everyone to baby her." I said moving onto my next sandwich.

"Oh, and she also said when she gets back to school, she going to rip apart the human who hit her." Veronica said rolling her eyes.

"Awh, I was actually starting to like Lucy." Said Karlie Ann.

"Who's Lucy ?" Asked Veronica.

"The human that hit Camilla, I think Greyson has a crush on her." Karlie Ann said with a smirk.

"I do not have a crush on Lucy." I said blandly.

"Yeah okay." She said nodding her head not believing me.

Alright, Lucy's cute and all, but shes not my mate. If she was, I would have marked when I first saw her at the Diner. But since she's not, were just going to be friends.

As I finished up my sandwich, I handed my plate to Veronica and watched her do the dishes.

Veronica was a very pretty woman. She has long brown hair, and chocolate brown eyes. I've pretty much claimed her as my own mother when my parents died when I was 10.

But ever since Alpha Dean died, she's been really distant, she doesn't talk as much as she used to, I mean she talks but before she was bubbly and loud, but now she's more quiet.

"I know your looking at me, Greyson." Veronica said not turning.

"How'd you know that?" I asked.

"Because I told her." Strolled in Blake, sitting next to me.

"You little snitch." I said punching his arm.

"Ow, that really hurt, I just got done working out." He said rubbing his arm.

"Since when do you work out on your own?" Said Veronica turning to face uqs crossing her arms.

"Ever since my mate said she likes guys with muscles." He said flexing, making me and Veronica laugh.

While we were laughing, I received a mind link.

I'm back, meet me at the spot.

I stood up from the table, and walked out the back door.

When me and Bentley were younger, we used walk around the territory looking for cool places to hang out.

We would walk in circles to find a spot but never did, but one day while we were walking, we found an unusual trail. We followed the trail, which lead us down to the lake. And their in all its glory was a two story cabin.

It was almost like our house. It had a electricity, a kitchen, two bathrooms, bunk beds, a tv and every video game you could think of.

This came to be known as the "spot". We soon figured out that Bentleys dad, Alpha Dean built it for us. And we spent every summer there.

As I walked up, the door opened, and out came Bentley looking like he just got out the shower.

"Coming in at 6'3, weighing 182 pounds, my best friend, the Alpha Bentley Kings!" And I started make cheering noises.

Bentley laughed and slapped me up.(No, he didn't actually slap him, it's a hand gesture guys do when greeting each other or saying good bye.)

"Whats up man?" He said drying his hair with the towel.

"Nothing much, but Veronica is making us go to human school."

"Shit, I totally forgot about that, how is it?" He asked turning around and going into the spot.

"Its actually not that bad, Blake and Ashton met their mates." I said plopping down on the couch.

"Really? That's great." He said slipping on a shirt and turning in the Xbox.

"Yeah, they're sisters actually. Oh, and Camilla is acting over dramatic, she got hit by a car last night from a human and she wants to kill her."

Bentley rolled his eyes. "Dude you need to get her into check." He chuckled.

"Ew bro gross, that was like 3 years ago. I don't k ow what I was thinking." I said with a shiver.

When we were in ninth grade, I used to think Camilla was hot. She has strawberry red hair, she was short with a big butt and had this confident attitude. But now she's cocky and thinks she some tough girl. Which makes her totally unatractive.

"That's because you weren't thinking." Bentley said throwing a controller into my lap.

We played Call of Duty for a while when I asked him a question.

"Where'd you go?"

He looked at me then turned back to the game.

"I went up north to Seattle."

I nodded. Bentleys dad, Alpha Dean died in July. The cause of death, was he was bitten by a vampire. The venom gave him a slow and painful death.

After the death of Dean, we soon declared war in the vampire clan. The war ended with three days, the vampires surrendered and relocated.

The death of the Alpha hit the pack really hard, but it hit Bentley the most. Him and Dean were really close, they almost seemed as brothers with Dean being young for his age.

Now Bently is back and is the new alpha of the Kings Pack.

And just something for everyone, Bently Kings is not one to be fucked with.

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Hey! How'd you like the change of POV?

What do you think Bently so far?

Party chapter is up next, Lucy and Bently will finally meet!

^^above is the "spot"

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