Chapter Seventeen: Sharp Reminders

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GUESS WHAT?! So, I guess English class finally taught me something. I’VE BEEN DOING MY PUNCTUATION ALL WRONG! Please forgive me for all the past mistakes I’ve made. You’re probably thinking about how dumb I am. v_v Anyway, it doesn’t matter. I’m back and better than ever! I’ve successfully mapped out the whole story and it’s going to be wondahful (British accent). Cheers! …and forgive me if I mess up what Emma looks like. I kinda forgot what color her hair and eyes were. ^^’

“Alright,” I muttered to myself. “You can do this.”

            A frightened but well-primped girl stared back at me through the foggy bathroom mirror. Her usually vicious wavy black hair was blow-dried and brushed to look presentable. Her stormy blue eyes were teeming with excitement. Her makeup looked perfect and her lips twitched with anticipation. She wore a cute halter-top with some skinny jeans and a pair of flats. It all looked flawless.

            “Are you done in there, Princess?” Ricky called from outside the bathroom. He banged on the door impatiently. “I’ve got to pee.”

            I swung the door open and glared at him. “Why do you have to be such a pain all the time?”

            Ricky chuckled and scooted past me. “Is it that time of the month, Princess? You seem a bit…on edge.”

            A low growl escaped my lips.

            “Just try not to kill my best friend,” Ricky said before slamming the door in my face. I backed away into my room and quickly logged in to my computer, deciding to write a quick blog entry before it was time to leave.

            Subject: Looks like I really am dateable!

So I scored a date, believe it or not. He’s on his way now and I’m lookin’ so fab. Ricky’s still a butt. Nate’s mad at me. And James is…James. I can’t wait to do some more snooping! Wish me luck! Love, Em!

            The ding! of the doorbell made me jump and I scooted out of my room and down the hall. Michelle was already at the door by the time I jumped off the last stair step.

            “Wow!” Michelle called. “You really clean up, don’t you James?”

            His low chuckle reached my ears.

            I walked over and Michelle gasped. “You look absolutely stunning!”

            “Thanks,” I blushed deeply and joined James at his side. He wore a nice Polo shirt and some well-ironed khaki’s. I was totally impressed.

            “Ready?” he whispered.

            I nodded and we said our goodbyes. We quickly got into the car and soon we were on the road. The drive was quick and painless, as music filled the awkward silences. We pulled up to a nice Italian restaurant that I’d never been to. From the outside, I could already tell that everything inside was probably over ten dollars. I internally punched myself for not suggesting where to go. I hated not being able to pay for myself.

            James wrapped his arm around mine and we strolled over to the server.

            “Table for two, please,” James smiled and our server led us to an intimate table next to a giant, clear window. It had a small little candle in the middle that flickered romantically. It all reminded me of a scene from a cheesy chick-flick. James was trying way too hard.

Roommates with a Playerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें