My love.

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To Adriana, my love,

I wanted to tell you love, that you are my light, to my darkness. That you are my everything cupcake. You don't get how much that is true. You stayed with me so long, sense 4th grade, we are now in almost going our 9th grade summer. So many years I thought you would leave, you stayed by my same. You were by my side through everything. The start of 8th grade, everything started to go dark. My world that was always filled with light, had turned into the darkness. The darkness I still live in, but that doesn't mean, there is no light. Light still exists, the light is in a form of a person, my cupcake. The person is you. Your the one the lights up my world in the time of darkness. You pull me out of the voices arms, and pull me into your own. My once cold, and cold body, now warms up, getting stronger as I stay in the arms of my light, in the arms of my love. You are my, love, my light, my everything. Without you I wouldn't be here, my life would be to much darkness, because I would have lost you. I have been left and replaced so many times, you have been the only one to stay this long. We hang out almost all the time and you don't get sick of me. You deal with me, we fight, but we still get through it. I know this time is tuff, but it will be fine, my love. The time we have now, we have to be happy. I know this time is dark for both of us, but we have each other and thats all we need. All we need is each other. We both of in the darkness, but we are both the light to one another. I know I do not help all the time, but I still love you. I still want to help, when I get mad, its because I feel like I can't do anything about it. I get mad, I try not to, but when I am mad I am upset most of the time. I do love you. I do care for you, I care for you so much. I love you to much, and if you ever got hurt, you don't know how much it would hurt. You say you want to leave this place that I would be better off, but its not true. To me losing you is like the earth losing the sun. I love you much to lose you, I would die without you. Even if we don't date, I need you there though. I need someone to be there, because you mean the world to me. You mean so much to me, your my best friend, my love of my life, my light to my darkness, and my everything. I love you so much cupcake! Okay? So don't forget that. Don't forget your a beautiful, perfect girl. No matter what has happened and no what happens you will always be perfect in my head. I love you to much to think that your not. Okay? So if anyone tells you different tell me and I'll deal with them because no one should tell you other wise. I love you so much, Adriana. You won't understand how much i do love you. Okay. So no matter what happens, I love you. Forever and always. No matter what. I love you Adriana. Your my everything.



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